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Brendick: ok so my cousin is over right

Brendick: and she's like five years old

Brendick: and she wants to watch Disney cause that's what kids do

Ryro: where the fuck is this going brendon

Brendick: so I put on Disney for her

Brendick: and I just kinda sit there with her cause I'm "responsible" and don't leave children alone

Brendick: (lowkey just cause she'll destroy anything in sight if you stop watching her for two seconds)

Brendick: so I'm sitting there, thinking about random shit

Brendick: and I realized

Brendick: that Walt Disney definitely jacked off in Disney world

Ryro: thanks I hate it

Brendick: :)

Ryro: wait why the fuck were you thinking about that tho

Brendick: I don't know

Brendick: it just like randomly came to mind

Ryro: heh

Brendick: ,,

Brendick: what

Ryro: came

Ryro: to mind

Brendick: god dammit

Ryro: cause

Ryro: cause you were talking about fucking

Brendick: yeah

Brendick: yeah I got it Ryan

Brendick: and it wasn't fucking

Brendick: get your facts straight

Ryro: but brendon

Ryro: nothing I do is straight

Brendick: I fucking hate what I've turned you in to oh my god

Ryro: you make it sound like I'm some science experiment gone wrong

Brendick: I mean

Brendick: lowkey

Ryro: wow

Ryro: like you aren't wrong tho and that makes me really mad

Brendick: ,, what

Ryro: my parents almost definitely weren't expecting a child

Ryro: and if they were

Ryro: they weren't expecting such a disappointment of a child

Brendick: mood

Ryro: you're a fucking hypocrite

Brendick: how so

Ryro: you always complain that I say mood

Ryro: and now you're saying it

Brendick: because you've tainted me

Brendick: you gremlin

Ryro: thanks

Brendick: no problem

Hey uh how the fuck do children have so much energy like damn
I was babysitting this like five year old kid cause my mom, who was supposed to watch him, had to take my brother somewhere
And like he was running around the house, I think he did like 20 laps and after his last one he was like "let's have a race and whoever gets around the house ten times first wins"
Like honey
I'm an exhausted teenager
I don't want to run around my fucking house

Ryden KikOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora