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Brendick: Ry

Brendick: how big is a gummy bear

Ryro: I don't fucking know

Brendick: well can you find out

Ryro: why

Brendick: cause I'm curious

Ryro: well then why don't you find out

Brendick: cause I'm lazy

Ryro: ugh

Ryro: they're like

Ryro: 2 centimeters tall

Ryro: and are like .13 ounces

Ryro: unless you mean the giant gummy bears

Brendick: no just a regular gummy bear

Brendick: ok

Brendick: I need you to figure out one more thing

Ryro: ooohhh mmyyyy gooooddddd

Brendick: how big is a gummy worm

Ryro: I can't figure that out

Brendick: damn it Ryan

Ryro: every time I google it it just comes up with the worlds largest gummy worm

Ryro: like I don't give a shit about that Google

Brendick: ok whatever

Brendick: it doesn't matter

Ryro: why did you even want to know

Brendick: because

Brendick: the gummy world is fucking weird man

Brendick: worms are longer than bears

Brendick: the bears stand on two legs instead of all four

Brendick: and occasionally you'll come across huge worms and bears

Brendick: possibly the largest you'll ever see

Ryro: bren are you ok

Brendick: I'm perfectly fine ryan

Brendick: I'm just woke

Brendick: woke af

Ryro: please never say that again

Brendick: make me ;)

Ryro: you horny piece of shit

Ryro: I hate you

Brendick: aw

Brendick: thank you

Brendick: I feel honored

Ryro: well you shouldn't darling

Brendick: oh

Brendick: ok

I've finally done what I thought was impossible at the start of the school year
I'm finally able to make the walk from my theology class to my Latin class, up three stair cases and all the way down the hall
Without being out of breath when I get to Latin
I basically qualify for the Olympics now

Jesus I'm out of shape

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