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Brendick: Ryan your girlfriends a whore

Ryro: is this supposed to be new news to me

Brendick: uh

Brendick: well

Brendick: kinda

Ryro: well it's not

Ryro: thanks for not fucking her and giving her something to gloat about though

Brendick: if you know then why are you still with her?

Ryro: can't tell you

Brendick: why not?

Ryro: it's embarrassing

Brendick: I don't care please tell me

Ryro: you can't tell anyone

Brendick: I won't

Brendick: promise

Ryro: god I can't believe I'm about to tell you this

Ryro: I'm scared to break up with her


Brendick: wait why

Brendick: Ryyyyyyyaaaaaaaan tell me


Brendick: come on you can't say something like that and then not tell me why

Brendick: Ryan

Brendick: Ryan

Brendick: I'm gonna spam your phone until you answer


Brendick: *sigh*

Video calling: Ryro Ross
Call ignored

Brendick: Ryan you fucking dildo answer me

Ryro: did you really just call me a dildo

Brendick: it got you to answer me

Brendick: now answer the question

Ryro: I cant

Video calling: Ryro Ross
Call ignored

Brendick: answer the damn call

Ryro: no

Brendick: you don't gotta show me your face if that's what it's about

Brendick: just face the camera towards your ceiling or something

Ryro: that's not why I won't answer

Brendick: then why won't you

Ryro: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Brendick: ugh

Brendick: can you just tell me why you're scared to break up with Keltie

Ryro: ...

Ryro: I'd tell you if it wouldn't make my life awful

Brendick: why do you have to make everything so complicated

Ryro: I just do

Ryro: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I've contracted Band Virus™, which is, as my band director describes it, something everyone in the marching band gets at least once a season because us nasty ass teenagers don't know how to cover our mouths when we cough

Seriously we were just standing on the field on like the second day and someone coughed while he was in the middle of  a sentence and he just cut himself off to whisper "It begins"

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