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Brendick: so you know how I'll say "fight me" to literally anything

Ryro: sadly, yes

Ryro: I could honestly bring you a pizza with some topping you don't like and you'll be standing on the fucking couch screaming "fight me, bitch! Let's go, you won't! "

Brendick: ok yeah so one day

Brendick: one day I'm gonna say it to the wrong fucking person

Brendick: like, take the bitch Brent for example

Brendick: let's say we somehow end up working on a project together

Brendick: and he wants to just use Ariel font for like a poster board or something

Brendick: but I want to use comic sans

Brendick: I'd probably say something like "bitch comic sans is better, fight me"

Brendick: and he's just gonna fucking deck me

Brendick: won't even think before he's punching me in the jaw

Ryro: alright but that's why you just don't talk to Brent

Ryro: and if for some reason you're forced to

Ryro: just don't disagree with the fucker

Brendick: but its fun to annoy him

Ryro: jesus Brendon

Ryro: he's gonna beat your ass one day and I'm not gonna stop it

Ryro: I'm just gonna stand and watch

Ryro: and when he's done

Ryro: you know what I'm gonna do

Ryro: "I told you so"

Brendick: I hate you

Brendick: bitch

Ryro: aw

Ryro: thank you

Brendick: you're welcome :)

Man I miss the days where I had 20 chapters of this ready to go and I'd be stressing about getting more written
Now it'll get to the point where I'll have three ready and be like "eh, its fine. I can write while I'm waiting for school to start"

In my art class last year the teacher was like "y'all are gonna draw what you think love looks like" and this one kid drew two people holding hands but they didn't have faces, so the teacher shows the whole class and is like "I really like this one, it shows that it doesn't matter what you look like, you should be loved for what's on the inside"
And then the kid next to me, the one who drew it, whispers to me "I just can't draw eyes, don't tell her that tho"

I have to go to a party and I really don't want to cause that means socializing and I don't want to do that
I'm gonna talk to like two people the entire night
Daniel (basically my body guard against The Dick tbh) and My Wife™

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