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Ryro: Elizabeth

Ryro: Spencer

Ryro: Jonathan

Zeee: why are you using full names I don't like this

Spence: same

Jon???: ^^^

Ryro: me and brendon

Ryro: are having a bit of a disagreement

Zeee: o h n o

Ryro: so we need y'all to be the deciding factor on something

Spence: what is this something

Brendick: so this scene from icarly

Jon???: oh my fucking god


Ryro: oops

Brendick: anyways

Brendick: this scene


Jon???: it exists, yes

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Jon???: it exists, yes

Spence: what about it

Ryro: brendon thinks if we were in the situation he'd be Spencer and I'd be the prisoner

Ryro: I think he's fucking wrong

Ryro: and I need you guys to agree with me on this

Brendick: see but the thing is I'm right do you shouldn't agree with Ryan

Zeee: Brendon

Zeee: honey

Zeee: you're delusional

Zeee: you're quite obviously the prisoner


Brendick: wait so which am I

Brendick: delusional or the prisoner

Zeee: fuuucckk oooffff

Ryro: wait so Jon and Spencer I need your opinions too so I can prove that brendon is incredibly wrong

Spence: yeah no brendon is the prisoner

Jon???: this all sounds really kinky I'm sorry I can't do this

Brendick: just tell us what you think you flip flop wearing bastard

Jon???: harsh

Jon???: but uuuuhhhh

Jon???: yeah bren I gotta agree with literally everyone but you

Brendick: well you're probably high so I don't think your opinion really counts

Jon???: fuck off I'm not high right now

Ryro: k but even if he was you're still outnumbered soooooo

Brendick: k but

Brendick: fuck off ok

Brendick: I don't need this

Zeee: s a l t y

Brendick: yeah ?

Brendick: fuck off

In my science class if we have time at the end we like to ask my teacher really stupid questions because he's the only one that will try to answer them instead of just telling us to shut up
So yesterday we asked him "what are feet?" "Do we need feet?" And "Do humans actually have feet? "
I don't remember exactly what he answered with, but I know there was a solid two minutes where he just sat at his desk with his head in his hands, probably thinking about how stupid we all are

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