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Brendick: so are you ever going to talk to me again or...

Brendick: cause I am really sorry

Brendick: but you know I understand if you're really that mad at me

Ryro: um hi yes who are you

Brendick: um

Brendick: Brendon ?

Ryro: wait like Brendon Urie

Ryro: like the single most hottest man in our school

Brendick: yes ?

Brendick: you already knew this ?

Ryro: no no no

Ryro: I'm Ryan's girlfriend

Ryro: Keltie

Brendick: oh

Brendick: not to be rude or anything

Brendick: but where's Ryan ?

Ryro: he's asleep

Brendick: it's like 2 in the afternoon

Ryro: yeah

Ryro: he was up late last night

Brendick: oh

Ryro: so do you have a girlfriend Brendon

Brendick: um

Brendick: why?

Ryro: just curious

Brendick: I don't

Ryro: huh

Ryro: that's odd

Brendick: how so

Ryro: cause you're the hottest guy in school

Ryro: you have to have tons of girls wanting to at least fuck you

Brendick: maybe, I don't know

Brendick: I don't really pay attention to them

Ryro: well you're paying attention to me and I'm one of them, so...

Brendick: the fuck

Brendick: you're dating Ryan

Ryro: your point?

Ryro: he doesn't have to know Bren

Brendick: what the hell

Brendick: no

Ryro: cmoooooonnn

Ryro: please

Brendick: I'm not gonna be the reason you cheat on him and I'm not gonna make him even more mad at me

Ryro: he won't know Brendon

Ryro: unless you tell him he won't know

Brendick: not happening Keltie

Ryro: youre no fun

Brendick: just don't want to hurt anyone ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Ryro: youre hurting me

Brendick: well

Brendick: we can't always succeed in our goals

Brendick: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Yesterday when we were going on the field to practice the band director was like "Everyone get to the fifty" and one of the snares was like "Numbers aren't real, they're just a human made concept" and then another snare, also the band president, just yelled "Peter, fucking stop!"

We're playing Handclap for the half time show and in the beginning we're supposed to shout "Turn it up" so as a joke while we were getting ready a kid yelled "Turn it up, Evan" (the band directors name) and he fucking flipped him off

Its a catholic highschool and the band director flipped off a student, I'm done

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