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Brendick: heeeeey ;)

Ryro: what the fuck

Ryro: who the fuck

Brendick: your future boyfriend ;)

Ryro: uh huh

Ryro: yeah I don't think so

Brendick: aw come on babe ;)

Ryro: ok one don't call me babe

Ryro: two stop with the winky face it's fucking weird

Brendick: nah ;)

Brendick: you love it ;)

Ryro: I don't even know you

Brendick: Brendon Urie

Brendick: now you know me

Ryro: no I really don't

Brendick: pics ?


Brendick: I mean like face pics jesus

Brendick: I'm not that much of a fuck boy

Ryro: that's debatable

Brendick: oh come on

Brendick: you don't even know me

Ryro: yeah you're right I don't know you

Ryro: and I don't want to know you

Brendick: harsh

Brendick: I'll send one of me first


Ryro: I'll take the dogs

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Ryro: I'll take the dogs

Ryro: not you

Brendick: wow

Brendick: send one of you now ?

Ryro: eh

Ryro: I guess


Brendick: :((

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Brendick: :((

Brendick: whyyyy noooooottttttt

Brendick: also don't trust people who put noses on their smiley faces

Ryro: cause I'm #ugly

Brendick: noo you're not

Ryro: you can't say that you have no idea what I look like

Brendick: yeah but I know you're not ugly Ryan

Ryro: how the fuck do you know my name

Brendick: what other names start with Ry

Ryro: fair

Ryro: wait

Ryro: Rye

Brendick: that

Brendick: that's bread

Brendick: not a name

Ryro: I'd name my child Rye

Brendick: I won't let you

Ryro: how would you have any control over what I name my children

Brendick: cause I'll be the father ;)

Ryro: yeah no

Ryro: I'm not even gay sorry

Brendick: sure you aren't honey

Ryro: I'm not

Brendick: if it helps you sleep at night, then sure, you're not

Ryro: I hate you

Brendick: I hate me too

Ryro: oh

Ayye Ryden hell

But anyways

Let's start the new book off with a continuation of my band camp complaints

Unless you didn't read the multiship hell I have, then its the beginning

Being outside so much gave me a tan and now my favorite nail polish doesn't work as good with my skin tone

Ah first world problems

Seriously tho I think this is the tannest ive been in my entire life

And my doctor is making me get weights so my arms and back are stronger and the bass drum doesn't hurt as much
She also wants me to get a back brace

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