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Brendick: I hate people

Ryro: same

Brendick: ,,I wasn't finished

Ryro: oh

Ryro: go on

Brendick: I hate people who don't understand the importance of a comma

Brendick: sure I can understand when its not really necessary because its still the same thought and its not like some kind of formal writing

Brendick: but sometimes it makes a huge difference

Ryro: right

Ryro: like take this sentence for example

Ryro: "I'm seeing strippers Barack Obama and John Cena"

Ryro: with no comma its saying the strippers are Obama and John Cena

Ryro: but then if you add one

Ryro: "I'm seeing strippers, Barack Obama and John Cena"

Ryro: that's telling them that you're seeing strippers

Ryro: and then finally

Ryro: "I'm seeing strippers, Barack Obama, and John Cena"

Ryro: you're seeing all three

Brendick: exactly

Brendick: but I really want to know why

Brendick: out of any sentence you could've made

Brendick: you chose that one

Ryro: I don't really know

Ryro: it just kinda gets the point across better

Ryro: like, you're either calling the former president a stripper, or you're meeting him

Ryro: huge difference

Brendick: what if Obama is a stripper tho

Brendick: like now that he's not the president he's gotta pay bills somehow

Ryro: I

Ryro: we're not having this conversation

Brendick: why not

Brendick: actually never mind that's understandable

Ryro: yeah

Ryro: bitch

Brendick: thanks

Me: ok I'm gonna do a fuck ton of writing today
Also me: *starts my 20th game of Skyrim*

If y'all haven't played it you should its fucking great
Fuck the main quest tho don't do that it just fucks you over for the rest of the game

I'm trying to see how far I can get without starting the main quest, so far I'm at level 18

Alright so one of my friends posted a bunch of pictures from a Starbucks run last night and one of the pictures was just me holding some hot chocolate (cause I fucking hate coffee) and my first thought when I saw it was "Jesus Christ do I actually look like that? How do you guys see this all day without throwing up" and like
That's some self confidence for ya

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