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Ryro: I'm actually going to murder someone

Brendick: please

Brendick: you wouldn't hurt a fly

Ryro: you're right

Ryro: because a fly is an innocent creature that never knowingly did anything to anybody

Ryro: unlike this bitch

Brendick: who do I have to murder

Ryro: you know that one bitch ass bitch

Brendick: you could literally be talking about anyone in the school

Ryro: no but this bitch is like queen bitch

Brendick: Keltie?

Ryro: yup

Brendick: what'd she do now

Ryro: so

Ryro: this bitch

Ryro: you know how she sits right behind me in English

Brendick: yeah

Ryro: WELL


Ryro: she started talking shit about you, obviously aware that I could hear everything she was saying, and I tried to fucking ignore her but she wasn't fucking having it and kept saying worse shit every time she opened her mouth so I told her to stop as calmly as I could but she didn't listen of course so I lost it and slapped her and the teacher was all like "Ryan go to the office" even tho she was fucking asking for it and now I'm suspended and grounded

Ryro: the fucking fuck face twat thinks she's fucking hilarious

Brendick: wow

Brendick: that's

Brendick: wow

Brendick: I'm gonna cut a bitch

Ryro: such violence

Brendick: you literally said you were gonna murder someone

Ryro: true

Brendick: did you tell your dad why you did it

Ryro: no

Ryro: he picked me up and was like

Ryro: "Ryan you fuckwad what the fuck you can't just randomly slap people"

Ryro: and he wouldn't let me explain why I did it

Brendick: teeeeellll hiiimmmm

Brendick: he'll unground you

Brendick: and while you do that

Brendick: I gotta out bitch the bitch


Why is my dad trying to get me to send him memes what is this

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Why is my dad trying to get me to send him memes what is this

It's October
You know what that means

I was gonna put the video for It's Almost Halloween but for some reason it won't show up when I search it so just like imagine it's there or something

So yesterday, marching band went to cedar point, and I did something I never though I'd do
So y'all remember the bass drum player I always complain about
Well I finally snapped at him

Before we left we were  warming up, and the band director stands in front of him and starts clapping to the beat cause he was so off
So he goes the rest of the time still off beat, somehow, and then turns around to the cymbals and says "He was telling you guys that you had to speed up"
I finally decided that this bitch had to be stopped

So I was like "No, he's telling you that you need to slow down because apparently you don't know what a tempo is. You also can't play the rhythms that we've been working on since the first day of band camp because you refuse to change how you play it, even though two other people are playing it differently and we've told you multiple times the right way to do it, because you're *insert another name that I'm not giving out* and you can't be wrong. If something is off, everyone else is messing up, not you."

He didn't answer me after that but I mean im still lowkey proud if myself

Oh and I got blisters on my feet
I hate my life
Theyre literally never gonna heal

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