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"Holy shit," Ryan whispers to himself when he sees Spencer and Z walk through the doors of the diner. As the two walk closer, Ryan stands up to greet them. "Spencer," he says, his voice a mix of shock and happiness.

"Ryan," Spencer replies in the same tone. Z makes up some excuse of having to go to the bathroom and leaves them alone to catch up. They stand there in silence for a moment before Ryan pulls Spencer into a bear hug. "I missed you," Spencer says.

"I missed you too."

"How've you been?" Spencer asks, sitting down in the booth.

"Uh..decent," Ryan says, sitting across from him.

"You finally broke up with the bitch, how'd you get the courage to do that?"

"I'd just had enough of her shit, I guess."

"Are you with anyone else?"

"No, not yet."

"Anyone you like?"

Ryan looks down, smiling. "No."

"You do, you liar! Who is it?"

"No one!"

"Ryan, I can read you like a fucking book, tell me who the hell you like."

"Brendon," Ryan says quietly.

"The fuck boy?"

"Yes, the fuck boy. But he's really nice, Spencer, trust me. He's not even that much of a fuck boy."

"If you say so, Ry. Just don't get hurt, okay? If he hurts you I'll hurt him."

"I'm almost certain that Z's already given him that threat."

"Well, oh well.. You should tell him to come here, I want to meet him."

"He's probably busy, Spencer."

"Who the hell is busy these days? Text the fucker."

"I don't want to bother him."

"Just tell him it's important."


"Goddammit, Ryan. I'll meet him one way or another."

"I'm sure you will, but it's not gonna happen today."

Spencer sighs. "Fine... Tell me some stuff about him." Ryan agrees, rambling on and on about the boy. He does so until Spencer has to leave, but even when he's gone Ryan is still thinking about him, grinning like an idiot the whole time he does.

My health teacher: Guys this study guide is really important ok. Its due Tuesday, I'm giving you 5 days to do it
My health teacher: *doesn't give us the fucking study guide and calls us all slackers because we dont have it done*

So we're doing an active shooter drill today and me and my brother were talking about it last night and I was just like "I hope it happens during seventh period cause I'm in Mr. Knittles room and he's on the third floor so I can finally jump out a window"

And then he was like "I want it to happen during 4th period cause I have a study hall and I'm like the only one in it"

So then I'm like "Yeah but I'm on the first floor, I wont be able to jump out a window. The worst I'll do is possibly twist an ankle"

And then "Well not if you do it before the window is open... And you go head first"

Man our relationship is great

Ryden KikUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum