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Brendick: Ryan

Brendick: why is the moon round

Ryro: uuuuhhhh

Ryro: why the fuck are you awake

Ryro: its 5:15 on a Saturday morning

Brendick: can't sleep

Brendick: I can see the moon out my window

Brendick: my mind on two hours of sleep is a mind that's curious

Brendick: so answer the question

Ryro: uuuhhhh

Ryro: I actually don't know tho

Brendick: dammit Ryan

Brendick: why the fuck don't you

Ryro: cause I'm not an astrologer ?

Brendick: well why aren't you

Ryro: fuck Brendon I don't know

Ryro: I don't know shit about planets and stars and shit

Brendick: w e l l  w h y  n o t

Brendick: I  n e e d  a n s w e r s  R y a n

Ryro: f i n e  b i t c h

Ryro: its actually not round

Ryro: its egg shaped apparently

Brendick: e x c u s e  m e

Ryro: why the fuck are you typing like that

Brendick: i refuse to believe that the moon is basically a giant egg


Brendick: NASA

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Brendick: NASA

Brendick: is a bunch of bullshit

Brendick: t h e  m o o n  i s  n o t  a n  e g g

Ryro: no its just egg shaped

Brendick: i t  i s  n o t

Ryro: mhm

Ryro: whatever

Ryro: I just want you to know that when I googled that for you I was forced to look at this


Brendick: top ten questions scientists still can't answer

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Brendick: top ten questions scientists still can't answer

Ryro: fucking

Ryro: I hate you

Brendick: same

Ryro: oh

Brendick: :)

My new shoes give me blisters and I actually hate life

I have a history test on Friday and like I don't even know what we learned in that class
Like after our last test, we started talking about mass culture
Then we took like two pages of notes on the civil war
And then the past three days have been watching videos on Henry Ford
Like what the fuck is this test even gonna be on

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