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Brendick: imagine trying to rob a night club

Ryro: ok but why

Brendick: just imagine ok

Brendick: "everyone put your hands up"

Brendick: "fuck yeah dude I'll drink to that"

Ryro: I

Ryro: what the fuck goes on in that stupid little head of yours

Brendick: thoughts of robbing a night club

Brendick: duh

Ryro: how many nights of less than and hour of sleep lead to you thinking of that

Brendick: too many Ry

Brendick: far too many

Ryro: you

Ryro: need

Ryro: to

Ryro: sleep

Brendick: oh you're one to talk

Brendick: remember those times in math

Brendick: when you fell asleep

Brendick: and the teacher was like

Brendick: "did you get eight hours of sleep last night? "

Brendick: and the first time it happened you said "do any of us"

Brendick: and the second time "dude, I've barely gotten eight hours of sleep in the last two weeks"

Ryro: shhhh

Ryro: we don't talk about those times

Ryro: but I mean the second time was great tho

Ryro: like she literally got a blanket out of one of the cabinets and told me to nap in the back of the room

Brendick: only cause you're her favorite student

Brendick: other people tried that and they got detention

Ryro: I can't help it

Ryro: I'm just too likeable

Brendick: yeah

Brendick: sure

Brendick: likeable

Ryro: fuck you

Ryro: I thought you loved me

Brendick: lmao since when

Ryro: :(

Brendick: wait you know I'm joking right

Ryro: yeah

Brendick: ok good

Brendick: cause I aint having your tiny ass break up with me over a joke

Ryro: excuse you I'm taller than you

Brendick: yeah but you weigh like 10 pounds

Brendick: you probably can't legally go on a rollercoaster

Ryro: you have to be a certain weight to go on a rollercoaster?

Brendick: idk you gotta be tall enough but like I feel like if you were too light you'd fall out of the seat

Ryro: bren

Ryro: that's what the seatbelts are for

Brendick:  ,,,

Brendick: true

You know that feeling where like you feel really sick and like you might throw up, but at the same time you're really hungry
Cause that was me all of yesterday

Like it was seven at night and I hadn't had anything to eat cause I felt like shit and my mom was like "Erin you need to eat something, the last thing you ate was a small bowl of spaghetti, and that was at five yesterday"
And I'm just laying in bed like "no I can't eat, I'll throw up the food that I don't have in my body"

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