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Ryro: uuuuhhgghhh

Ryro: living is stressful

Brendick: I relate

Brendick: what are you doing that's so stressful

Ryro: college shit

Brendick: ew

Ryro: right

Ryro: like idk where I'm going

Ryro: (but I don't think I'm coming home)

Brendick: FUCK

Ryro: idk what I'm majoring in

Ryro: what I'm minoring in

Ryro: the schools i applied to probably  won't accept me

Brendick: shut up you'll be fine

Brendick: you could apply to every ivy league school and get in to each one

Ryro: uuuuhhhh no I couldn't

Ryro: where are you gonna go

Brendick: idk probably some community college cause I'm broke and not smart enough for really good colleges

Ryro: hm

Brendick: don't go where I do tho ok

Brendick: I mean like if you really want to go to that school, sure

Brendick: but don't do it just cause I do

Ryro: why not tho

Brendick: cause if you get in to a really good college I want you to go there and do good in your life

Brendick: going somewhere you don't want to will just jeopardize your future

Brendick: and then it'll be my fault soooo don't

Brendick: cause you actually have a good future, unlike me

Ryro: nah man

Ryro: you look into a crystal ball to see my future

Ryro: and all you see is darkness

Ryro: cause it ain't bright at all

Brendick: hush

Brendick: you're too smart to have a dim future

Ryro: you

Ryro: you missed the chance for

Ryro: you're too bright to have a dim future

Brendick: GOD DAMN IT

Brendick: im so disappointed in myself

Ryro: so nothing new with you I see

Brendick: fuck you

Ryro: but I'm right

Brendick: ,,, yeah

Hey remember when I said I hated Riverdale
Yeah I'm a fucking liar holy shit
I'm like desperately trying to find free places to watch season two cause I don't wanna wait for it to come out on Netflix

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