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Private message between Sarah💕 Orzechowski and Brendick Urie

Sarah💕: Brendon

Brendick: oh are we gonna do this again?

Brendick: are you gonna try to convince me that Ryan is doing something that could in some way ruin our relationship again?

Brendick: cause if that's what's happening you can fuck off right now cause I'm not having it

Brendick: I'm not falling for that shit again

Sarah💕: no I uh

Sarah💕: I want to apologize

Sarah💕: I wasn't doing that intentionally

Sarah💕: I really thought he was cheating and I didn't want you to get hurt

Brendick: really

Brendick: I'm not buying it

Sarah💕: come on Brendon

Sarah💕: can you guys just give me a second chance

Brendick: but you see

Brendick: the thing about second chances

Brendick: is that they don't ever matter

Brendick: people never change

Sarah💕: I wasn't doing it intentionally I swear

Sarah💕: but you don't believe me do you

Brendick: no

Brendick: no I really don't Sarah

Brendick: you know why?

Brendick: cause the last time I believed you about something it almost ruined my relationship

Brendick: why do you seem so desperate for forgiveness anyway

Brendick: and what the fuck do you mean you didn't do it on purpose

Brendick: you told me that you saw them kissing when they weren't

Brendick: you were trying to get me to break up with him

Sarah💕: ok so maybe I was

Brendick: why the fuck would you do that

Sarah💕: because maybe I like you Brendon

Sarah💕: maybe I wanted you to be over so Ryan would be out of my way and I could have you

Sarah💕: but you couldn't see that

Sarah💕: cause you don't give a shit about other people and their feelings

Brendick: the fuck do you mean I don't care about others feelings

Brendick: you tried to ruin a perfectly good and happy relationship

Brendick: all because you have a little crush on me

Brendick: and even if you did succeed in ruining us it wouldn't work anyways cause I'm gay as all hell in case you forgot

Brendick: so just fuck off Sarah, ok?

Brendick: cause none of us want anyone to do with you

My brother told me that Too Weird is the best Panic!  album and I just
How dare he

I was feeling #extradepressed last night and for some reason decided I needed to listen to Christmas music so I put on Xmas Jambz and Please Don't Jump (Its Christmas)  made me cry for like 2 hours straight
So yeah my Saturday night was a fucking blast

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