Twisted Devil

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(Lord Requiem's Pov)

A voice... It calls to me as I reawaken from my slumber...

I woke up from my slumber of a satisfying meal, hearing my descendant call for me. Caeda was doing a fine job except she was lying in front of me. "Excuse me but you're suppose--" "Someone interfered with the Shadow Queen!," he came swiftly, leaving me in surprise. "Who dares to try?," I sent him towards a wall amid choking him. "If you relinquish me, I shall tell!" "You repent?" "Yes!" Relinquishing the cursed brat was simple, but I didn't know the suspect until he told me. "You dare say a human did this?" "Yes, and Caeda-" "Will be shattered immediately by death. She failed me instantly!," I snapped my fingers amid retrieving Falchion and insanely laughing,"Death comes swiftly, and yet this is her torturous punishment." He backed away as I approached the so called vessel with irate boiling within my eyes. Her eyes were yet still, but I didn't expect a glow to animate.
Hissing with violence, I stepped away as she rose from her corpse semblance position. Her arms raised as if she was upon an invisible silver cross albeit her eyes flashed for a second. The blinding light burned my witches' flesh, sending them into the shadows as I barricaded myself from her holy light.

Damn you Caeda!

Damn you to Hell!

(Link's Pov)

Watching Marth was no easy task. Ever since the massive back injury and purifying spring water took effect, age and time came upon his soul. I worried sick about his condition, seeing his wondrous midnight locks turned to ashen snow locks of hair. I try to assist him with my blood, but he rejected the thought of becoming a demon once again. His once ocean and crimson eyes turned glass. "Marth, I can't let--" "There's no need to worry about me.," he caressed my icy cheek,"It'll be better if you just leave me--" "I can't let you do this! You're my guardian angel! You took care of me thr--" "I've failed you again and again when I tried taking the form of a human, but you wouldn't listen." "I don't care!," I tried again with my blood,"I'm not letting you pass into Judgement." He shoved my wrist away from his mouth amid his glass eyes begged for something else.
"A dove holding an olive branch?," I got up slowly as I saw him deteriorate gradually. One blink came from his eyes, and I understood well. "It'll save you?" His thoughts told me the truth that I left with no hesitation: Find Noah's Angelic Dove and let the essence revive his heart. Hell! The Realm of Sorcery is massive and crawling with demons thanks to Lord Requiem and his little pets!

If only...If only an angel from Heaven can give me a chance to come towards their realm and give me the dove. Wait! What am I thinking? They'll never allow a vampire in the light above! Never! "And so I thought to myself...." That voice made me swiftly turn amid hissing. "If a vampire can get to the Realm of Heavens, let an angel do his dirty work.," the rascal of angel came back just to mock me,"We both came off the wrong foot a few times--" "Few times? Don't make me laugh...," I tsked amid turning his offer. "Perhaps this will change your mind. . ." The sound of metal hitting the ground make my ears perk up, but didn't make my body turn around. "I overheard what happened thanks to your guardian angel. His cry was begging for mercy and I couldn't help myself because he's one of us." I heard his body reposition that I turn and peer at the corner of my bloody hellish eyes.

"I'm listening... Speak up...Pittoo."

(Daemonium ??? Pov)

Just the thought of seeing that vampire irritates me. He's attempting to dominate my realm using a dear sibling of mine that I knew for centuries. Hell! He's not even human! I slammed my fists against the experiment table, seeing my raven crystal eye see all of what this so called Lord Requiem can even try to accomplish. "What now?," I felt the presence of one of my mages nearby. "We've seen to have an intruder." "And?" "He's vulnerable." "Perfect..." I examined my eye once again with a smirk.
Slowly and gently, I began summoning my inmortal serpents amid they slithered past my body. Gentle breezes formed as they hissed amid my traps were beginning to set. I finally opened my crimson eyes as a scream for mercy and fear formed. I couldn't help but enjoy it, hearing as if it was wondrous music. He finally came towards me in serpent semblance chains. "Well... Aren't you fortunate to approach me.," I turned slowly as he struggled,"Soren, you've done well." "He's not an ordinary soul.," his fingernails scratched the ravenette's neck nape,"His blood is black semblance your heart and immortal soul."

Raven blood? My lips were licked hungrily amid approaching him. Yet his face was somewhat pale, but it reminded me somewhat of a vampire. "What a host I'll feed upon.," I licked his bloody neck as shivers formed down my spine,"Your thoughts are quite a story." "Shut the hell up! Where's--" "Your brother. . . ?," I smirked amid Soren enjoyed himself with insane laughter. "Wait! How-" "I know all because of your blood.," I stood up slowly,"What a surprise to see him...Alive. . ."
I summoned my raven eye again, revealing his brother that he so called committed suicide by a dull knife. "I'm sorry to say, but he'll see you again." "No!," his struggles semblance a beast, but I managed to give him quite the bite from my snakes. "Enjoy the slumber...," I captured his body amid placing him within Soren's arms,"Make sure he doesn't escape. He'll be a perfect little slave for me. Or even better..." "Understood...," Soren left me behind as I peered into my mirror.

Such a body upon the outside and a shame his body was decaying swiftly. "Oh Robin...," I revealed my face, seeing my brand upon my host's face,"Such a body should never be wasted." His chestnut eyes came within my reflection amid his own body slammed against the mirror. "You just don't get it.," I placed my host's hand upon the glass,"When I found you, I gave--" "You've condemned me to hell! My sister didn't want this for me!," he slammed his fists upon his side of the cage. "Tsk tsk... You were always underestimating me as a sibling.," I placed my own hand upon his cheek, but pulled it back as he tried to bite me. I enjoyed myself once again,"Don't worry...You'll be having a splendid time with the rest of the corpses I've used for my body,"Each one of them, but I find you to be quite a fighter. Who knows, I'll even go for that twin sister of yours." "If you lay just one finger-"  "I'll make you enjoy every last detail...," I placed the hood over my face,"It'll be enjoyable for me as I feed upon her soul semblance thousands of maggots on flesh." "NO!" "Well, I despise to leave a conversation so early, but I have anarchy to spread.," I smiled viciously as I left him behind, but turned,"When your soul is gone, I hope you'll enjoy being raven limbo and losing that dear friend of yours. Your mother and father are dead, tiny one. Soon, you will join them." Leaving him behind, I headed for one of the balconies of what I called home.

"Let hell commence..."

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