Black Rituals (Part 1: Raven Angel's Trust)

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(Link's Pov)

I lost sight again, seeing how everything changed within a blink of an eye, reminding me of home. Was it all deja vu for me? Everything within this neck of the forest seemed similar. "Good, maybe a bit of rest will help.," I opened a door, but instead of a warm home, I found myself within an antique mausoleum. Crypts of stone comforted dead men and women, but the scent seemed warm. Was it saccharine perfumes from a young woman? I kept looking around, seeing the voices of black angels call to me, but all seized once I heard something. "Is anyone in here?," I gulped a bit, hearing the noise of deep snarling echo. I had not a single weapon at hand except my own strength. The noise kept going until my eyes caught a swift, raven figure reaching out for my neck that I screamed once it crashed my body into a wall. "You're human.," I saw a smile form upon his face,"You're full of blood!" What was he talking about? "I don't possess human blood!," I fought back, but he hissed, feeling my locks of hair through his fingertips,"You're naive as ever, mortal." He grabbed onto my neck harder that his nails dug into my flesh, musing him,"Did I strike you too hard? That's too bad, human, because there's more coming towards your soul." He raised me high amid ripping a piece of my clothing, baring my chest to his eyes. I felt his tongue caress me that he bit into it. I couldn't hold back! What was going on with me? I gasped lightly, even though I wasn't able to breathe. His fangs were near my heart, and I wished I'd hold the chance to escape! "Your white flesh seems subtle to the touch.," he lowered me a bit amid letting go of my neck,"But you seem sweeter on the inside..."

"Stop it!,"I fought his strength, getting a dagger from under his sleeve, holding up to his neck,"If you kill me, you'll never see the light of dawn again." He smiled a bit amid chuckling,"You're quite the spirit, human. I desire you. How about this? If you become my guardian, I'll pay you with your life for freedom from that spell your brother placed upon you." "Wait! My brother! You know him?" "Indeed, but if you kill me now, you won't get what you desire. Will you listen?," he grabbed onto my wrist, fighting me back gently, and pinning my arm down with only two fingertips hitting a pressure point. I stared into his eyes with irate boiling inside me, then sighed, letting go of his knife with such lament. "Such obedience, little one.," he came towards me, getting a bit of my scent,"Scents of rosemary...I wonder what happened to you during your thirty years slumber." "Let's just say the world that I knew changed.," I peered into his eyes, but gritted my teeth once he bit my neck's nape. Was this new pleasure coming inside me? I felt so warm inside. I gasped with a whimper, desiring the different pleasure he gave me. "I'll give you what you desire...," he came towards my ear gently, whispering so tenderly,"You can always stay young as we are, my friend. I just need your trust. Will you come or no?" I gripped onto my own fists tightly, and I gained my confidence to kiss his lips roughly. If I was correct, I felt as his eyes widened before my reaction, then closed them amid embracing me.

He kept going, but he felt his blood seep into my mouth once I bit his lips. He tasted different, but he seemed more subtle and honeyed. I kept going, fighting his tongue against mine, but he managed to kiss me tenderly, feeling our embrace envelop us. I held onto his hand, letting him dominate me til we seized, looking into each other's eyes. Hell, I didn't even know him! His blood tasted of a noble, but more a prince. His body was strong, but looked semblance a woman compared to his male clothes. The gentle pearl flesh semblance moonbeams against his deep midnight to cobalt hair. "I'm sorry for what I've done.," Marth Lowell revealed the truth, leaving me surprised,"Darku did it...." "He created me to be such a beast that feeds of the living.," he sighed with lament,"I will tell you this. He took a young lady during the festival a few days ago." "Young lady?," I wondered a bit, but I saw him suffering,"Marth! Are you alright?!" I came beside him, but he immediately peered at me amid scratching my face with his own force within his soul.

"The human side of me is dead! Now, I'm finally free from his curse!," he hissed at me amid his eyes flashed bloody crimson. I felt surrounded by the darkness , seeing his bloody eyes stare at me from every direction I found. I didn't know where to go, or what to find! Just when I turned, he saw me, reacting swiftly to snatch my throat to make the kill, and it was me! I screamed loudly that he screamed back, holding onto his ears, and acting as if he was burning. I peered from behind, finding a figure hidden within a deep violet mantle with a hood that hid his or her face from me. "Et funesta animae lux trahere ad se!," a blinding light came out of his hand, imparing the creature swiftly that he vanished into the darkened depths of the graves. I peered at the being, holding his power high until he silenced it. If I was correct, raven wings created the mantle with a hood of silk covered his face. "Non opus est ... Ex Maria virgine tibi videtur tua erat gubernata.," he came towards me, tilting my face towrads his own,"Si non apparet, quod anima mortui in tali corpore immortui." "Look, I don't know you, but whatever you're saying, please accept my gratitude.," I warmly smiled. "I shall...," he reavealed his face---Radiant pearl flesh contrasted his deep raven tunic and hair alongside with magenta and crimson eyes. The wings remained strong, and tips of the feathers were speckled with ashen. Pure gold trim embroidered the silk, adding such light to his tainted life.

"As a reward, I shall guide you to your destiny.," he offered me his hand,"I just need your trust." I didn't even know him, but I felt as if we met before. I stared into his eyes, then I saw the memory come back to me. Darku released a child, and turned it to a fallen angel! I understand now! "Are you that boy that we saved once? You seem familiar to me, and I don't know why.," I came to him, but he grabbed my hand amid looking into my eyes,"I'm the saved child, but thanks to a goddess, I'm gaining power of an angel as we speak. It's your brother's power that saved my life from the hands of death. Ever since I last time saw you, your heart is no longer pure human, but only Half Blood. Your soul was fortunate to call back to me..." I saw him grab a minute sack of water, and he poured it against one of his arms. What surprised me was a strange tattoo bearing a raven rose gathered by ribbons of life created from nymphs of nature. "This symbol was precious, and only False Mist could keep it hidden. If my 'mother', the goddess who took me in found out, she'll believe I was actually a traitor working for the vampires." I sat down,"But, you're not." "I'd better not sit there if I were you. This is the Royal Lowell Family Mausoleum. Every descendant of the original Lowell ancestor rests within these walls. It's better not to disturb them." I got up, brushing off anything that hit me,"So, why speak a different language?" "What? Latin? It's the language of the Realm of Heavens.," he smirked,"Never mind about that, alright? I'm looking for someone." He displayed a minute sketch of a brown haired teen with cobalt eyes, almost looking as if he was an exact twin to him. The only difference I'd pick out immediately was the size of his wings-Long as his arm length all the way to his wrist (I wasn't counting the hand, by the way). "I hate to say it, but I haven't seen him. I'm gonna need your guidance." "Then we'll settle it right now.," he offered me his hand once more.

I gripped onto my own hand, holding onto whatever memories held inside my soul amid a minor tear fell from my face,"I'll do whatever it takes. I'll kill any vampire that gets in my way!" I knew the truth of what was going to happen, but it seemed blurry. With a smile from confidence upon his face, Burakku took my trust seriously into his heart,"The contract is now sealed. You and I shall never shatter this bond."

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