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1 month passed away.

The days have been better than me and ZAYN expected, starting a new journey in our lives completely changed. Bob is back in our home and I missed my little partner with us, ZAYN still laughs about I invented the name Bob for my imaginary boyfriend, guess it was something he really enjoyed about. Cameran, Trisha and Zayn's family visits us 3 in 3 days and we do the same, it's always so good to stay with them and enjoy their company. Mike, remember him? He has been with Zi and I really adore seeing them together, they even talk about marriage what makes me and ZAYN giggle about how cute they are. ZAYN found the job in the pizza shop that is near of our house, what's great for so many reasons, specially on Fridays when he brings some slices home. I have a part time in a bar what's great and give us enough money to keep living.
We still remind about everything that we went through and how our hearts used to beat to the thought that it could stop beating any minute, it was scary to live that nightmare but, sometimes we have to live with pain, suffering and crying for help to enjoy life much more.

  We woke up with storms and aggressive rain hitting our windows, and I woke up almost feeling sick, it was a weird feeling on my belly but I didn't warn ZAYN about it, I knew he would get worried and it wasn't needed.
- stupid storms! - ZAYN yelled, closing the Windows. - it was so sunny during the day.. Earth weather it's getting crazy.
- Come back to bed, babe, it's mothers natural yelling.
- If she lets me sleep..
- She will, babe. - he looks back at me, smiling, getting in the bed.
- It's so early, damn. - he said, cuddling me.
- What time is it, baby ?
- Almost 5 in the morning..but thanks God it's Saturday and we have a free day. Right babe ?
- Yes, thanks God, I like to be in the bar but - a bad pain hit my stomach - wait, I have to go to the bathroom.
- What ? Are you ok ?
- Yeah, let me just..
    I felt something on my whole body, a weird pain was crossing my head and I knew soon I would throw up, I ran to our bathroom as fast as I could and the expected happened. My belly was hurting so bad and I didn't know what was happening but I never felt something so bad as that, not even when I was just a little teenager.
- babe, do you think we should go to hospital ?
- make me a tea and prepare some towers if you can.
- I'm going to call my mom!
- ZAYN! - I called him - no, don't annoy her..
- She will help us, don't worry about anything. Give me five minutes! Don't leave bathroom.
-, babe.

    I listened him walking away to the stairs and talking on the phone, I felt bad for worrying him when it wasn't needed, I felt really bad but I hate when he sees that on me. I kept throwing up but my stomach's pain started to fade.
  I was feeling sleepy when ZAYN arrived with a tea and warm towers, he put them on floor and helped me to go to bed. While I was drinking the tea and having a tower on stomach, we listened the door opening, it was Trisha.
- mom, I'm sorry if you are coming here so early but she's not feeling well.
- What happened ? You need a ride to hospital ?
- I.. I don't know. I think I'm feeling better, but I don't know why this happened.
- Have you been eating bad or something ?
- No, I don't think so.
- Mom, she's too much healthy for that.
- We never know, son, sometimes can be something messed up in stomach. Anyway, we are going to take you there.
- No, it's not needed. Maybe it was the milk I drunk last night..
- We can find that in hospital and you're a nurse, darling, would you like if everybody were like you ?
- That question..okay, I go.
- Stay in the room while I prepare the shower, babe. - ZAYN said, choosing the clothes for myself and running there.
- Christine, love.. - Trisha whispered, sitting in the bed - are you sure it's because the milk ?
- What do you mean ?
- You know, sometimes, it starts with women throwing know what I mean, right love ?
- Oh..babies. - I smiled - well, we haven't been thinking about that.
- But you thought before, right ?
- Of course, and we think but I don't think it can be that.. I think.. I.. - my thoughts weren't making sense. Trisha gave me a fact that didn't even cross my mind. - I am not sure, now.
- Anything you need, you know I'm here. Right?
- I know, Trisha and I'm really grateful for that.
- Babe, ready ? Do you need help walking ? - ZAYN said from the bathroom.
- No, no, I can go by myself.

I walked through there by myself, and Zayn was right there looking at me, I kept thinking on what Trisha was saying and in the mirror, I looked at my flat belly.
- what are you doing, Chris ? - ZAYN giggled at me.
- Nothing..I'm just..thinking.
- On what, babe ? If you think you're getting aren't..
- ZAYN.. - I interrupted him, looking into his shiny eyes. - Did we use condoms on our last times ?
- What ? Why ?
- Do we or not ?
- Babe I can't remember each time we do but on our last, we did.
    I silenced myself, keeping looking at myself.
- Do you think, that can be the reason ?
- Your mom reminded me about that and it makes sense right ?
- does. Have you been feeling that a lot ?
- I don't throw up since a long time but I have some pain, but nothing that I can't handle.
- You get sick of some smells ?
- I think I am always like that, actually.
- We really have to check the doctor, babe. Look I will leave you here but anything that happens, just call me ok ?
- Okay, babe and thank you so much for being the best person ever.
- I love you. - he said leaving, on the door.
- I love you more.

After 15 minutes, I was ready to leave with him, the rain was hitting our bodies while we were running to the car, I ran as fast as I could, worried about the pain. There were no cars in the road what gave us some luck to arrive fast. When we got in the hospital, the pain started to hit my body and I kept holding Zayn's hands, almost crying of how much it was hurting. We waited some long minutes until my name was called. I was nervous, really nervous.

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