The breakfast

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- You didn't expect ? - Zayn held my hand and we sat next to the tree. - like never ?
- no, Zayn. I never expected it to happen..
- so you never got prepared to let me go ?
- Babe, I never let you go. I cried on the first days, I didn't like this at all when I first arrived. It wasn't my paradise..
- I am sorry, I said that I didn't want us to talk about the bad things and we are here now..
- no, it's okay, you are right..we are here now and that's what matters. We can talk about what made us..stronger.
- and that was you. It was you who made me stronger, without even realizing. Do you know that ?
- I had an idea. - I smiled at him. He smiled back at me putting his arms around my waist, keeping me warm. - I think this is the safest place in the world.
- my garden isn't anything special, love.
  That made me laugh, looking at his chin. It was funny how innocent he was, but at same time so mature. I think we could see each other on each other bodies. There's people like that in this world, and it's called: soul mates.
That's what we are.

- I am not talking about your body, silly..
- so what are you saying ? Ah, it's 4 am babe, I'm sleepy
- let's go sleep then.. - I said trying to get up but he kept holding me.
- no..what's the safest place ?
- me, you a bed.
- let's get into that safe place then. - we got up together and went to bed.
  He kept hugging me tight with his soft and warm arms crossed on my tummy, his chin leaning on my shoulder. I could feel his breath on my skin, I could listen his heartbeat on the my back skin. That sound comforted mine, that sound made my heart beat faster, that sound made my chest heavier. And I know that if it was possible to listen his lungs working, im sure that mines would lose control for feeling that.
The effect he has on my body it's like the effect that the sun has over the earth. It brights me. Lifts me up. Save me.

  We woke up late. I could hear the rain hitting our window in that late morning. Bob was on the floor sleeping. I didn't listen anybody in the house. It was Monday, Zi was working and Cameran ? Where is he ?! I forgot to give him the breakfast.
  I tried to move from the bed but I heard that soft beautiful voice from the other side of me.
- good morning..writer.
- writer ?
- yes..writer..I know you will become one..very soon. - Zayn said with his eyes closed and his messy hair.
- you are probably sleeping. Babe, I'm going to get up, I need to - he pushed me against his body
- stay with me..more 5 minutes, Chris.
- I need to give him the food..
- who ?
- your brother.
- he ate..I saw..
- did you wake up before ?
He opened his eyes and looked at me smiling.
- yeah babe, I went to drink water and wash my face..he was eating with my aunt. He's probably sleeping too. He does that a lot. Don't worry ok ? Stay here - he hugged me pushing me closer and kissing my nose - I this for the rest of my life.
- okay Zayn, I believe on yo-
A knock on the door interrupted us. Zayn looked to the door faster than me, sighing.
- who's there ?
- it's me!!! Are you awake ? - we listened Cameran's voice
- open the door!
  Cameran had a little car with our breakfasts. It was like we were in a hotel and that melted our hearts. Zayn covered his face laughing. Cameran was smiling too like he was proud of himself.
There was coffee, toasts, milk and a little superhero next to the toasts. I don't know what he was trying to mean.
- Aunt told me to bring you this when you wake up.. - he said coming closer with his little car.
- how you knew we were awake ? - I asked helping him with the dishes.
- I listened you both talking.
- the house must be really quiet because we didn't talk that loud. - Zayn said sitting in the bed, getting ready to eat.
- oh no! I stayed right next to your door..I was just painting and I heard you talking.

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