Everybody can fall in Love

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After some minutes, my opinion about Michael completely changed.

  4 pm and we were there, in the sofa, drinking tea and milk, eating toasts and talking about love and love stories. Michael was in love with Zi and it was adorable to find out that she was his weakest point, he was smiling for minutes whenever we could mention her or something that she did or would do. They were in love but never said to each other and that was killing me.

   Actually was something that always made me feel mad at people, most at young people: in school, movies, books, I've always seen a boy and a girl being the best friends and then they were falling In love with each other, everybody could say they were but they would never admit that and yes, that was frustrating to see but if you were the boy or the girl, you would just be afraid. Sometimes, being in love it's so different of seeing people falling in.

Knowing Michael like that helped me to understand why he was doing that for us and why he wanted to do it, he was protecting the family he wanted to be in, he was protecting his lover's family and since that moment, I didn't think anything too bad about him killing him or hurting somebody else that was coming in our way.

  Zayn and me were cleaning the kitchen when Mario appeared in the front door, Michael opened it without asking who he was, it was like they were already met.

-          Micheal! – Zayn called him from the kitchen after Mario waved to us and went to upstairs.

-          Yes ? – he appeared in the kitchen minutes later.

-          Do you know Mario? You didn't even present each other..

-          Polices doesn't need that.

-          Police? You told me you don't like polices..

-          And I don't. That's why I quitted being one.

-          Wait, wait..you were one of them? – I asked, shocked by knowing so much about one person at same time.

-          It's such a long story but I guess Mario remembers me as well..he is from Los Angeles, he still there right?

-          Yes..yes..

-          His face never changed..well, I am going to call him.

-          I do it.

   Zayn walked faster than usual, being excited about that and so I was, calling Mario to get in the kitchen. Minutes later, they were right there, sat in the table, talking about one of Michael's crazy stories.

  Mario and Michael studied together and we found out that Michael was a police but he quitted because he wasn't made for being sat all day, he wanted to move, to save people and not just defend the law. He wanted something more so he became personal body guard with some strong extras, including everything that he was already doing for us. He told us that he never wanted the police to be called because he didn't want them to find out about what he was doing and how many crimes he had in his list. Mario smirked some times never thinking one of his mates would do that after quit the job but he didn't get mad at him. At least, he was saving people, like he always wanted to.

-          It's so funny..how people can change. – Zayn said after drinking one more cup of apple tea with milk.

-          I didn't  change, Zayn, I just started to do what I wanted too. – Michael said smiling. – and you, do you dream about doing something?

-          You mean..in work terms?

-          Yes.

-          I had a dream when I was younger but I completely forgot about it when I moved to LA..

-          Oh c'mon boy, LA is the place to make our dreams come true.

-          It is but my dream would only come true if Christine was by my side and you know the story, Mario.

-          Yes I know, it's a beautiful one but you still have time now.

-          Maybe not now.

-          Tell us what it is, we want to know!!

-          Actor, I wanted to be actor.

-          I knew it. – I said smiling, knowing he could do an audition tomorrow and be automatically called. – I knew you wanted to be an actor! Why you never told me about it? Why you never fought for it?

-          Babe I am sorry but it was always something that I never thought too much about it but of course I wanted it to happen.

-          So if you want it, go babe. Excuse me lads but Zayn, you always told me if I want something that I should pursue it..right? That's what I tell you now.

-          And a job? What job should I get?

-          Babe I will find one in the hospital, I am sure we will see something for you as well. You studied, we both did. We can find something good.

-          Mario..Michael..I really need something cool because I need money  to take care of my future family.

I smiled, knowing on what he was thinking about.

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