The past

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    I've never seen so many bags and wrapped materials like that, not even when my mom arrived from her first trip, I thought my house had became a whole fashion studio but that..that was just my mom's job. My mom. Seeing Zayn so happy around his parents made me think on mine. Made me think of how I was my relationship with them. It was never good, to be honest but I miss how the things used to be. My mom never calls me anymore, only on important dates, my dad is becoming exactly as her and I don't know who's my best partner anymore. I remember when I was a kid I used to follow my mom everywhere, seeing her working was a dream, going to fashion events with her used to be my favorite place when I was a child. But she doesn't even know where I am anymore.
   I hided myself in the bathroom, staring in the mirror thinking on my past. A knock on the door interrupted my thoughts.
- Just a minute. - I said but Zayn came in automatically and locked it again - I was coming out..are you so..
- You alright ? - he stopped me from completing my sentence with the last question I wanted to hear
- Yes, I am good. - I gave him a little smile
- You can lie to my aunt, mom, my brother, your boss but you can't lie to me..what's happening, babe ?
- It's am alright. Trust me.
- Just what ? Did my mom or dad said anything ?
- No baby, no way. I love them.
- Is right ?
     My tears and the pain in my throat didn't let me reply him, I hugged him and rolled my face into his shirt. I didn't want to look at his face, I just wanted to forget my past for a single minute.
   - it's alright.. I am here now, I am here. Cry as much as you need.
   - I..I miss them too.
   - babe.. - he tried to hold my chin but I didn't let him at first - okay if you don't want to look at me it's alright but listen to me ok ?
   - okay..
   - Sometimes people aren't brave enough to express their feelings but that doesn't mean they don't feel. Most of us aren't good with us and dealing with strong words like Love or a Miss You. You don't see that happening a lot but you know that people love each other. Chris, I am sure they miss you, but they aren't just ready to express it.
  - Zayn... - I looked at him again, my tears were still falling - they left me, they left me alone..they never cared that much about me or my feelings and we both know that.
- let me do something - he cleaned my tears with his soft hands finishing it by giving me a kiss that made me forgot about all my pain min my heavy chest - I know how it was when you were there, but I know you are better now here. You are safe. Theres no more fights between them, alcohol, drugs, discussions or screams. I am here and I won't leave you.
- I just..I miss those little moments when I was happy with her, when I used to be with her in he events, when she used to pick me up from school happy and clean, when we used to be at home laughing with my dad. That's what I miss.
- You miss who they were..not who they are.
- Exactly.
- When I met you, my aunt had told me that your mom was alcoholic but I waited until you told me to don't mess with your mind. I felt like I needed to protect you even if I was just a little boy..I needed to be with you.
- Remember when.. - I felt like I was going to cry again and my voice started to fail - I went to your house because they couldn't stop fighting ?
- We weren't even dating..that night was the night I realized I was truly in love with you. I remember it so well.
- And..I felt..I felt like I needed to be with you. And how stupid..I was for leaving..with...
     He stopped me from talking, he interrupted my thoughts again with a soft and deep kiss. It was magic how just a kiss could end up my pain, could make my tears stop falling and don't come back again.

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