The bad, the good

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There's kisses that can kill the pain, not only kisses, but hugs, words, smiles. Zayn could kill the pain, no matter what could he do, he could end up all my worries and all the sadness with his own presence.

It hurts to see your own mom and dad leaving you behind and don't even care when you are graduated. I remember when I finished my University years and everybody was celebrating around their parents. My classmates were crying holding their family, happy and full of emotion and there was me..with my own happiness of finally feeling independent but at same time I wasn't happy. I was empty, it didn't matter to me to be graduated if I didn't have a family. I lived years thinking like that, does life matter if we are alone? Do I matter to somebody? I thought on those questions millions of times in a day. My job is about to save lives, but how can a person save a life if she can't save his own life? If her life had no hope during years? No love, no hope, no happiness. I did my best to go there with a smile in my face when all I wanted was to cry. I am not a depressive person but can you imagine yourself being considered a ghost to your parents?

- I may not be your dad..but I will protect you like you are my own baby. – Zayn said crossing my hair in his fingers. – If you need to cry at night, I am here, I am here for anything you need ok?

- Thank you, Zayn. You are the only positive thing that happened in my life, the only thing..crazy isn't?

- It's.. – he smiled – I'ts not see this ? – he pointed at his ying yang tattoo.

- Yes, I do. Why ?

- This represents that not everything can be bad, either not everything can be good. There's always bad a good in this life, they can't live without each other, they depend on each other, they complete each other..What I am trying to say it's, your life can be full of bullshit but there's always something good about it and probably It's me and if it's not me, It is other person, or other thing around us.

- It's you. Of course it's you, I wouldn't do this without you. That's why I have this feeling that tells me that was an action by the sky above the moment you came into my life. Everything sounded so..different from the other love stories. I mean..I didn't have anybody before you.

- I still think you are was possible to..

- You were my first. – I interrupted him knowing he would change his sentence.

- And my last. – he said smiling, exactly how I saw in my thoughts. – I love our sentence. I love how we make everything sound so sick together. – he said giggling.

- It's the love that is here between those two people. Love can saves the world.

- Love can also make us forget about the time and lose the conscious of where we are..

- Exactly..I mean we are in a bathroom for the past 1 hour, I think? Or less?

- 1 Hour ? – I pushed his body away gently and opened the door, worried if there was anybody waiting for us – What will your parents think..Oh my God.

- Chris! No..they aren't here.

- What ?

- They went to buy some food and I knowing my mom and aunt..they will take time. – he wrapped me in his arms with that smirk in his lips, I know what he wanted.

- that a good thing?

- It's your choice, baby. Like the ying yang.

Our laughs got lost between kisses.

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