His power

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That gave me a thought: if it wasn't me, he wouldn't care about love or being in a relationship. He had told me enough to know that I was right, to know that I gave him reasons to believe in love, to make him fall in love. To be honest, since the first day I always thought I wasn't enough for him, he never showed me that but this thought always made part of my mind, and sometimes still visit me but not how it used to be. When I left London, I was sure he would find anybody else, I wasn't like the other girls. I had my own style, my curly hair that I couldn't brush everyday, my fat legs, my large waist (...) I never saw myself with him. Nobody actually did. Even when I was already dating him, I used to just don't believe but Zayn..Zayn was and is totally different of me. My thoughts aren't like his and the most magical thing about this: he makes my mind blow every time he talks about it.

- Do you know something ? - he started to say after we kissed in the car. - When I say you're the one that matter, I mean that..you're the one that matter more than anything. I met you before I found out what love was. You were my first girlfriend, until the moment I loved you..I thought love was the football and tv shows at Saturday's or get out with my family.. - we giggled - I never know Love was this..looking at you and just by that, feeling my heart beating like I'm looking at you for the first time.
- I knew it. - I said looking at him. Zayn was smiling, that tongue between his teeth. - Do I need to tell anything else ?
- You always need to tell me, I want to listen you forever.
- You were just like me..I fell in love with you. But I never believed in love until the moment you told me.
- So..you didn't believe you were in love with me ?
- I did. But I didn't believe on our love, like we would be a couple.
- But you believed I loved you right ? - he asked me with a curious look
- Always. Since you told me..that was the moment I thought it was possible to love myself too. When I said I didn't believed on our love, I meant when we were just friends..
- Why ? I could give you more profs! - we giggled together
- I just thought I wouldn't be the right person to you.
  He was going to tell me something when Cameran opened the door screaming he had popcorn for us, Bob jumped to the car with him and we totally looked like those teenage family. Yaser, Trisha and Zi came after, smiling but with tired faces as well. Trisha kept looking to the view in the car. The way home was quieter than what we did in the morning, Cameran was tired and stayed the whole trip drawing on his book on Trisha's lap. Even Yaser slept for a while what caught Zayn's attention to tell Trisha to take pictures of him. I didn't sleep, I just enjoyed the view listening the music in the radio looking at him, thinking on everything we told each other remembering when we used to be together in London.
- all good babe ? - he interrupted the moment I started to think in the negative way: when we left each other
- Yes babe, I'm good. And you ?
- On what you are thinking ?
- Nothing - I smiled nervously knowing he always finds everything - just thinking..on..
- Past ? - he interrupted again
- Kinda.
- We talk when we arrive, ok babe ? Just by talking about arriving..what's the dinner ?
- I don't have anything prepared. - Zi said
- Perfect! I have an idea!
- My son and his ideas always make good results.. - Yaser said proudly - tell us where will we dinner tonight!
- I am thinking on having a dinner near home in such a cool restaurant, next to the beach. It's a quiet place and we can dinner outside what's cool because we have Bob.
- You think on everything, you're the best, don't you think ? - I said smiling, happy that he is mine.
- Nah..you are the best.
- You both are! - We heard Cameran's saying, still drawing.

The room 102 - z.m ficsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora