The unexpected words

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- Gosh - I started to say with a low sound
- Babe ?
- I am..sorry. I fell asleep again. - I get up from the sofa looking at Yaser and Zayn.
- Oh, don't say sorry at all. - Yaser said - you can sleep as much as you can. The house isn't even mine!
- Yes but I don't want to look as a lazy person to my boyfriend's family.
- Hey.. - Zi came in the living room putting his hand on my shoulder - you already belong in this family, ok ? And do what you want, need to sleep more time. If you want, you can. Are you ok ?
- Yes. Yes, I'm good.
- You sure ?
- Yes, I am. I am just feeling a little numb.
- That's because you need to sleep more. And you ? - she looked at Zayn
- Me ? You know, aunt Zi, I'm sleepy all the time. - he said giggling - can I get in the bed ?
- Silly..just go. And take Chris with you, we call you before lunch!
- I was already thinking on that.

    I followed him to the room without saying a word to them, just a smile because I know it wouldn't be worthy, they wanted me to sleep as much as I needed. To be honest I was really sleepy but I know to sleep again, I'd take ages.
- I shouldn't come back to bed at this time but what can I do ?
- Read to me. - Zayn said quickly
- What ?
- Read to me, babe. - he looked under the bed and he took the box from there, after put above, he gave to me more 4 letters. - you can start by whatever you want.
   The letters were in a line right next to my crossed legs so I grabbed the last one. The paper was the same color of the other ones I had read but this one had a different smell; Zayn smiled when I smelled it.

" Tuesday, 23 January 2016

     This is my first letter from 2016. Not because I haven't been with time or because I forgot you but because I've been far from words.  papers and pens can't make me feel like you are closer to me right now.  Actually, nothing really can. Do you know this weird feeling of knowing something may happen but you aren't sure about it ? I feel like you're closer to me than you used to be but at same time, I feel like you are millions away.
  Maybe I will even be with you sooner than those letters will have an end or maybe I will never see you again but it's thus hope who keeps me alive.
  Other day, my brother asked me to show him a picture of you and in the same day in the shopping we was looking at everybody like he was lost so I asked him what was going on and he replied me:
I'm just trying to find what you lost. "

    The last words made my heart hurt. Cameran was the one who found me in that morning and in that moment I realized he knew me, he knew how I looked and maybe the things now, had a reason to be. Maybe he chose the right person to ask for help.

- Zayn..
- Yes babe ?
- Did Cameran see me before we met ?
- He did. - he said with a smile looking at the letters - so you read the one thar I wrote last month..
- Exactly. I didn't know he knew how I looked before..I hope he didn't see a bad picture of me.
- Well, he found you, Chris..he found out what we were both looking for.
- Please tell me didn't leave him there for..
- No! No, no, no. I never thought that while I was fighting for breathe he had found you. But he told me..he told me when he found my room.
- What ? - I asked surprised without knowing that had happened.
- He tells me everything, babe.
- Can you please..tell me what really happened.

" - Zayn kept listening when he was asleep in that cold hospital bed - I saw Christine! She's here in the hospital!"

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