Moans between doubts

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One more kiss, one more bite, one more smirk and he was against the wall.

- for this, baby girl.

-          I already told you to don't call me that name. – I smirked between our kiss. Deep and slow. His breathe was incontrollable.

-          Don't do..the things..that..way.

He held my shoulders, taking me to the bed, between bites in my neck, trying to take my tshirt off. On top of me, he smiled. How could he be so cute in a situation so hot like this ? He started to take his clothes off and I helped him, he did the same thing for me. It's crazy how I was always so shy but I wasn't in that moment, I really wanted to be there, to live that moment, I forgot everything that was around me, I forgot about all the pain and tears. I needed to live that moment.

He made me feel so safe, everything was so intense that I couldn't breathe, my body against him, listening his breathe on my neck, kissing his tattoos on his shoulders what made me completely insane. He whispered little love you's every time I kissed those lips that were moaning for more. We reached our climax together.

He rest his body on top of mine, looking straight in my eyes, with that smirk that he was in the beginning, his hair was messy of how much I grabbed it while he was inside myself.

-          Why are you looking at me, like that ? – I asked him, almost closing my eyes, almost tired.

-          I want to do this much more. I missed your body, every inch of it.

-          I can tell you the same, babe. But..

-          Cameran. – we laughed

-          It's not because of him..I just don't want him to think I am sick again.

Zayn kept laughing, lying now next to me, covering us with the blanket .

-          He is a nice kid, to be honest I think he noticed what we were doing..he wasn't just ready to say.

-          It's impossible, babe. – I faced him.

-          No, I don't believe in that anymore when it comes to my little brother who wants to know what love really is.

-          But knowing how to make the babies, it's..

-          Fuck.. – Zayn's eyes opened more than usual and he got out of the bed like he was late to work. – fuck fuck fuck..

-          Zayn ?

He wasn't replying me, he stood by the window, with his hands around his head, I got out of the bed, worried. I had no idea what was going on.

-          Zayn..what happened ? Are you okay ?

-          Christine! – he finally looked at me. He looked shocked. – I forgot..

-          You forgot what ? Is Cameran in the next room or something ?

-          NO! No, no, no it's not that..

-          So babe, please tell me.

-          You will get mad at me. I wanted it so much but I swear I forgot.

-          Ok Zayn, you're scaring me.

-          I forgot to use the condom, Christine.

That was what I was expecting of happening in any day, not in that night but soon. We both were completely insane that we forgot the world, we forgot too many things at same time. I didn't know if I wanted that, or if I didn't want. I didn't know if I could react bad or good. My dad was sick, a gang was coming for us in those days, Zayn wanted to move from LA and then, there was a little chance of us having babies ?! What could I do ? I knew Zayn wanted it, I knew Zayn would love the idea of being a father but in that moment, maybe it wouldn't be the greatest idea of all. I was afraid, I was between too many crazy situations and I didn't want this to make my life harder.

  I always wanted to be a mother, to be the mother of Zayn's children and he wanted the same thing but so much was happening at the same thing. Would it be a good thing ? 

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