The Idea

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I looked back at him and he was hugging my waist, with his shinning bright eyes and happy smile on his face for seeing his little brother find us in a moment that maybe, some can't explain. That's the thing about love, right ? You can describe everything that happens but you know there's something missing, there's something thar only the eyes can see, the heart feel, the mind understand but the words are too short to make them understand.
- why are you smiling like that ? - Zayn asked him, after we arrived into the living room and sat next to him.
- Because you both are very cute.
- Why didn't you keep drawing, little silly? - Zayn asked looking to his notebook. - you have some cool ones here..
- Thank you, brother. Your love distracted me.
   Zayn expressed a loud laugh that made me giggle a bit, Cameran looked at him not understanding why he was laughing like that, neither I was. But it was always so nice hearing his happiness.
- babe, what's so funny?
- The way he said love..
- I thought you said love wasn't funny. - Cameran commented
- Bro, it can be some times.
- Like it was this morning?
- Which part?
- I heard you laughing early.. - he said like he wanted to talk more.
    Zayn and I looked at each other like we knew it would happen and it did. This is one of the most special things about Cameran, and one that I fear a lot, he can hear everything.
- I'm so sorry if we woke you up, Cameran, we didn't mean too..
- Can I ask you something, Christine ?
- Of course, sweetie..
- When I have problems with my dreams at night, can I go to your bed ?
-'s our bed. - Zayn tried to make a mad face but he ended up failing on it, smiling - of course you can, right babe?
- Of course! We would love to have our baby next to us..
- You sounded like my mom, Chris. - he smiled so happily.
- Is it a good thing ?
- Yes it is.
- Chris.. - Zayn said after Cameran grabbed his notebook and started to drew again.
- Yeah ?
- You're so ready to be a mom..
- What ? Why..why you saying that ?
- Baby, look at yourself..we have been mentioning this so many times lately and it's beautiful to see how happy you get.
- I didn't realize that but..
- We should try.
- What ? - I giggled, shyly. - don't say
- Don't worry, babe.. - he put he arm around me, getting me closer of his chest. - but what do you think about my idea?
- Baby..we see that later..first we need our house.
- Our house ?
- Yes, I want us to live together first, then we think about it.
- We will have our house, soon. - he smiled, kissing my cheek.
- What do you think about see some around ?
- Nah babe...just..just leave that for my father.
- Zayn! - Cameran looked at us - but didn't dad..
- What a beautiful drawing you have here!
    Zayn jumped to see the drawing like acting so suspicious, like trying to hide something. I just looked at them both, like they were saying something between his teeth, not understanding a thing that was going on. I just laughed about it. And for more curious I could be, I didn't try to understand because, knowing Zayn as I do, I would find about it soon.

  After some time, cuddling with Zayn and seeing Cameran drawing so many types of drawings, Zi arrived, alone, with some shopping bags.

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