Find the love but love can find you as well

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Zayn was right. The restaurant looked amazing, even if it was raining, not that much, not that less. It was raining in a way that we could look to outside and feel that warm feeling inside. Cameran kept looking at the rain the whole dinner, he was tired, it had been a long day for a little kid like him but I knew he would do something amazing in that night. He never failed.
We enjoyed the food, laughed, smiled, ate, and ate again, drunk our little coffee and went home. Everybody was like Cameran, tired and sleepy. Except Zayn, at least he didn't look like that. We kept talking the whole road, about how much he likes this restaurant since he arrived there.
- they helped me to find you, actually.
- so that's why there was a guy who kept looking at us the whole time ?
- yes! Because before I order the food while you were trying to find a table, I talked to him everything.
- everything ?
- yes, babe. That I finally had found you and I was there with you and my family. - he said smiling - the guy hugged me for minutes!
- what did he tell you, Z ?
- do you really want to know ?
- is it a bad thing ? - I asked worried
- if it was, do you think we had had a dinner there ?
- sorry - I giggled - tell me!
- he told me with a sweet melody " you are my motivation to never give up on find the love ". But then I told him " don't give up but also, don't forget that love finds you. " and I was right..right babe ?
- more than right, babe. We should lunch and dinner there more times! I want to know more about you and this restaurant - I smiled at him thinking on that conversation, maybe imagining a little too much.
- Of course, baby. I have his number but..what do you want me to tell you ?
- Just everything but only at home. I wanna look into your eyes and read your mind.
- that was powerful, but when we arrive we have other subject to discuss! - he stopped the car right in front of our house.
- do we ?
- yeah babe..
- Finally at home!! - Yaser said opening the door - this day was so awesome. Thank you son and Christine..Zayn, don't ever disappoint me on leaving her ok ?
- Dad, that's the thing that I will never ever let it happen.
- C'mon Yaser, let's go! Do you mind that the mom will go to sleep early tonight ?
- of course no, mom. Have a rest, all of you! You deserve. - Zayn smiled and I did the same thing
- love - Zi looked at me - are you better ?
- yes Zi, thank you for asking!
- is Chris sick ? - Cameran looked at me quickly
- no babe..I was feeling a bit tired just that.
- but if you aren't better, Zayn can make you feel good like the other
- somebody needs to sleep! - Zayn interrupted, afraid he would talk on that subject again - let's go! The last to arrive will not be a superhero in the future!

   Zayn ran from the car to the home and I followed him. Yes I was the last one to arrive, even Bob reached the door before I did and Cameran tried to made fun of me after but he just kept hugging me.
Trisha and Yaser arrived and made a tea for all of us, I fell asleep right away in the sofa on Zayn's shoulder.


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