The fight to Home

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I slept in Zayn's lap once again in that day, I felt like I was sleeping too much but after that day, I finally felt in peace, I finally felt safe enough so I could rest right next to the person I love.

Time passes fast when we sleep and that moment wasn't a exception.

- Babe.. – Zayn woke me up.

- Yeah? – I started to look around and the whole family was grabbing bags and looking at the clock. I automatically got up and did the same. – It's time to go.

- It finally is, love. Thanks God. Did you sleep good?

- Yeah baby, to be honest I even forgot that I was here.

- Soon we will be in home.

- Where are we going, brother? – Zayn asked happy, on Zi's lap.

- To France!

- This means I can't go to school?

- Yes.

- I am going to miss my friends. – he started to do a sad face and I was truly afraid that he would start to cry.

- You will see them soon, love. – I replied him, walking closer to him.

- How close is soon of us?

- Soon enough that I found out.

I gave him a smile and he smiled back, hoping that he wouldn't feel sad. We arrived to the airplane, police checked on us and I could hear Mario telling them what was going on and the reason why we were leaving with so many bags, and the reason why were police coming with us as well. Mario was being such a cool guy and he was always talking with Zayn being different topics of his job, I could feel that they would sit to each other in the plane and guess what? I was right.

Right in the moment that Cameran arrived, he started to look amazed at everything and everybody, I already used this type of transport many times so nothing was different for me. I sat next to Zayn and next to him was Mario;Trisha was right next to me and then Cameran, Yaser and Zi.

- I can't wait to arrive there. Can you imagine how the house looks alike now?

- I remember to go there two years ago, Trisha but I am sure that my mom was there last month, at least she was seen there.

- Wait, - Zayn came in the conversation – so your mom has the key as well?

- She has, babe, it's our old house. I mean, it's her fashion shows house. I used to visit it a lot, I think you remember that.

- I do, I do but I never went there before.

- I need to confession something.. – I looked around and I noticed if anybody was listening us but Trisha had already started to talk with Yaser – one of the first times I went there, I started to imagine me and you living there..

- I love how your imagination always come true in a way or another.

- Actually for the worst reasons.

- Babe..

- Yes? You know I am right.

- It's not that. Do you remember the ying yang?

- I do, why?

- Bad things, - he showed me his tattoo, pointing to the dark circle – happen in good days and good things happen in bad I right?

- Babe, you are but I can't even consider this a bad day.

- I wish I could have the power to go back and erase this from your mind.

- Thank you babe..but fortunately I can't remember what hurts the most.

- Is it hurting?

- A bit, but the doctor gave me the medication.

- When you need to go to the bathroom, just warn me about that, ok? I make sure to go with you.

- If I go, I will make sure that I tell you babe.

- Thanks love. Are you sleepy?

- A bit, but I know I won't sleep in this airplane.

- Why not?

- I know myself too well to know that I can't fall sleep's so weird to wake up and know you are flying around.

- We have.. – he looked up, at the TV that was showing where we were, where we would go and the hours. – 13 hours, babe and 55 minutes. What we gonna do?

- We are in a airplane, we can't do too much. – he laughed at me and that was enough to bright up my day. – aw..

- What babe? – he said smiling.

- It's just..your smile.

- What's wrong with my smile? Do I have something in my teeth? – he grabbed his phone to check if there was anything wrong, making me giggle.

- it's just too perfect. Your smile is good enough to make me forget the rest.

- I hope you keep thinking like that babe, because sometimes I feel like I have nothing to give you..

- Nothing to give me? Babe, you give me everything I need.. I..I can't believe we are going to have this conversation in a plane.

- Well, we have to do something in this plane, right? – he started to giggle again but I could feel what he said was meant.

- I love you, why did you feel this way?

- No, forget that babe.

- Now, I can't forget.

- It's just.. – he started to look around – I hope my smile keeps you warm when I become poor and old, when we have our sons grown and I can't walk the way I do now..I just hope my smile is enough.

- Zayn, your smile will always be enough for me, a smile with a little love you, will be enough for me.

- I will always try to mention those words for you, since the first day. I..I love you.

- I love you, much more.

- No fights here, ok? You know I would win.

- We see that when we arrive, boo.

And that's the impact of a smile. It makes me forget about everything, about the pain, about the things that I was worried about. While he was smiling, I was thinking on how much I loved this amazing person that I could call mine, I was thinking on how much he makes me happy and I couldn't remember on what happened before that moment because it didn't matter at all. Nothing could matter if the person you most love is smiling at you and because of you, you just forget all the wars and fights, you just focus on his happiness.

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