The beauty

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We were in my room where I normally talk with my pacients, or where I write the things I found about them. Zayn looked kinda worried, I didn't know what was happening but it couldn't be that bad. I mean, he's been feeling good.
- now that we are here, tell me everything.
- The day before I came here, I had a bad day. A really bad day. Tany..Tany really made me feel completely pissed off and I couldn't handle so much stress. She is too much mature, Christine, she is 28 and the things between us didn't get better because of the ages difference..but thanks God they didn't. was a bad day and I smoked too much, too many things, at same time.
- Zayn..tell me that you stopped. I mean, you have asthma. You can't..
- Chris. - he interrupted me, nobody could know how worried I was - I know I have asthma and I can't do this and that, but I couldn't handle. I already smoke since I arrived in Los Angeles, my stress fades with cigarets do you know ?
- Yes I know the effect of cigarets but there's other things that can make us feel better, that makes us healthy and happy. You don't need that ok ? You need love, to do something that makes you feel good.
- My life wasn't that good with her. If I showed that to you or to anybody, I lied  as you lied about Bob. She was like she was my mom and always getting mad because I wasn't visiting her everyday..
- Zayn..did she get it ?
- About us ?
- Yes, about us.
- She did.
- Are you..sure about it ?
- Yes Chris, she understood it.
  Why do I feel like she didn't ? I can totally see what that relationship was, now.  Relationship between old and young never work, and Zayn and Tany were just other proof. In the moment he talked about her, his eyes weren't shinning anymore and the smile he had during the dinner ? Doesn't even exist when we talk about her now. This is the power of love, or hate. Don't ask me which one is powerful, because I still can't find the answer. One thing I was sure about: Tany wasn't the person I thought she was when I saw her. A beautiful hair and eyes can hide so much ugliness in a heart.
  - look, I just don't want to break anybody's heart..
- Chris, you still the same girl I met. Don't worry about them so much, don't worry if you break somebody's heart, worry about yours, about how you feel inside. Are you happy ?
- of course I am happy, Zayn. But..
- But nothing. That's what matters, if you are happy there's nothing more to worry about, to think about. It's on you that you have to focus. And hey - he grabbed my hand - don't worry about her ok ? Anymore. She's a mature girl, she will find somebody..if she already doesn't have one.
- Do you think so ? - wait...was he meaning what I had in mind ?!
  I felt there was something wrong about their relationship. I felt like she was never there for him. I needed to know.
- what do you mean by saying that
He looked down, and then at me with a sad look, I wasn't ready for hear - she cheated..
- Zayn..what ?
- times ago I caught her in the kitchen with a man, a older man than me, maybe 30. I had her house's key, she gave it to me and I heard her..with him in the kitchen. They were kissing, touching..
- Zayn..stop, stop. - I had to get up and breathe. I couldn't believe on that, how can somebody cheat on somebody like him. - how can ? How can that happen ?
- I'm sorry Chris..
- no no, not be sorry. I hope you never forgive her! Cmon, that's completely immature. How ? How can she cheat on somebody you ?
- If I knew this days ago, I'd put fire on that house.
Zayn laughed, a sad little laugh but he seemed better than before.
- I am good now, I promise. - he held my shoulders, I was walking around the room. - I am next to you.
- do you know what makes me sad ? It's the fact you felt this right by my side and I never saw it, I never knew that you could be feeling all of this bullshit.
- are here with me now, do you think I care about the past ? I knew that I would have you one day again. I believe that we have to listen the storms before we see the sun light.
- But a person like you doesn't even deserve to know what pain is. You never..broke me. Why does somebody broke you like that ?
- Because not everybody can love in the same way, my innocent Chris, why do you think I went to every bar looking for you ? If I was looking for a girl, I'd date all of those but I knew that none of them could love me the way you did, you do..
- and I will do, everyday of my life. - I completed with a kiss on those attractive lips of his. I wanted to stay kissing him forever if I could. Smile at him. Love him. Somebody like Zayn didn't deserve any of what he used to feel. I can't believe I saw her right in front of me and I couldn't see any rudeness.
My grandma used to say that beautiful people fool us, they have a cold heart inside them and their beautiful eyes don't let us see how rude they can turn. I can't agree with this about everybody because some people are full of beauty, inside, out and on ever inch of them. And Zayn is one of them. Behind those beautiful brown eyes, he has such a beautiful soul, behind the smile he has a light that makes it look brighter than all the stars in the sky together. His heart is more precious than all the diamonds you will ever find. And that's what makes him who he is.
He may don't know how to surf like most of the boys in California, he may don't knock my door with flowers everyday, he may don't cook that well, but if you ask me if I need him to do it ? I don't. As long as he loves me, its enough.

And there we were, kissing and smiling at each other.

The room 102 - z.m ficsWhere stories live. Discover now