Marry me

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And in that moment, the only thought that came to my mind, between million of words and situations was: I need to marry him. My parents never educated me in the right way but I remember my dad saying something when I was 14 and I talked in home about a boy that I started to like, he held my hand and said looking straight in my eyes " You will have tons of crushes in your life, Christine but when you arrive to your 20's, be careful with the man you meet. You may marry that man who tells you they love you in the night you tell him your insecurities. ". And in the moment I heard Zayn and his speech, it felt like my dad's voice was playing in my mind every minute.
- I love you for who you are. - he kept saying.
- Marry me. - I said thinking about my dad, thinking how much I wanted.
- What ? - Zayn's eyes were brighter than the most beautiful constellation I had ever seen
- Marry me, Zayn, marry me.
- Why are you saying that, babe ? Is everything ok ?
- Yes, more than ok and I want that. After that speech..I'm more than sure you're the person that I want and need to marry.
- I don't know what to tell you, Christine.
  I smiled at him and I saw him doing the same thing, we stayed quiet until I turned the lights off again and I hoped that I wouldn't need to turn on again so I could fall asleep on his chest and wake up in the next morning.
- I do. - I heard his voice after a while and felt his kiss on my forehead.
     That was the last thing I listened in that night, we fell asleep together in each other arms.

  I woke up in the next morning, late, actually I felt bad because I always hated since kid to wake up so late, specially when Zayn's family is living days with me. I didn't want to be seen as a lazy girl because I was never like that.
   I left Zayn sleeping in the bed and after a shower, I was hungrier than I woke up.
- hey! - Cameran appeared in my back from nowhere what made me jump a little bit - did I scare you ?
- love. I wasn't just expecting you here!
- It's alright, I'll warn you next time. I made you the breakfast! - he pointed to the kitchen's table and there was coffee, bread, jam, Nutella, milk.
- You put this here ? - I said, sitting next to the table with him on my lap
- Yes I did after Zi and my parents left for shopping around and..meeting somebody that Zi knows..I didn't understand.
- And you didn't go ?
- Nah..they thought I was sleeping but I was awake and I listened everything. And you, did you sleep well ? Where's Zayn ?
- I am sleepy, Cameran. - I said preparing my coffee - but I slept good and Zayn is still sleeping.
- I am sorry for last night.. - he looked sad.
- Don't say sorry, it's alright, we understand. We always have something that we can't sleep without.
-'s not that. I lied about my teddy. I wasn't in the car..
- Cameran..what are you trying to say ?
- You promise you don't tell Zi ?
- I promise but Zayn should listen to you, as well.
- Can we wake him up ?
- Of course, let's go.

  I knew, Zayn knew that he wasn't there for the teddy and we finally we're going to find out what was going on there. My heart kept beating fast for all the minutes I had to wait until Zayn woke up so we could tell me.
- good morning my beautiful faces. - Zayn said looking at us, hugging his pillow, feeling sleepy. - is everything alright ? You look so worried.
- I have to tell you something, brother.

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