The noise in the garden

22 4 11

Wednesday, 23 February 2016

I woke up with Zayn next to me. I was so tired that I even fell asleep in a tight sofa like that one, Zayn looked really deep in his sleep and I didn't want to wake him up but I had to move on. I couldn't sleep one more night without sleeping good.
- babe.. - I started to call him slowly and lowly - babe..
- Humm - he murmured with eyes closed, getting closer to me
- Can we go to bed ?
- What..what time is it ? - he opened his eyes looking around him
- 3 am. - I said right after looking at the clock - I think we should go to bed.
- Why ? You wouldn't like to sleep with your boyfriend here ? - I couldn't see him that well because everything was so dark but thar smirk was clear
- I would prefer to spend a nice night at the bed, sleeping hugging you.
- too but not sleeping. - he started to giggle, almost loud enough to wake up the family
- Shhh, you will wake them up, babe!
- Okay okay, let's go.
   He tried to hold my body on his arms but we ended up by falling on the floor of how sleepy and lazy we were. Zayn was laughing and so I was, afraid of waking up anybody, we covered our mouths with our hands so nobody would hear. At least we tried.
  In the minute we decided to go to our room, Zayn stopped in the hall looking at the door.
- Zayn ? - I whispered looking at his worried face
- Did you listen ?
- What babe ?
- This noise. Wait.
- must be.. - a noise came in. He was right. It was from the garden. It sounded like somebody was walking right there. - Zayn...
- Let me go there!
- NO! We go!
- Wait..I don't want them to see you.
- They already did, babe. Don't worry ok ? Let's do this together. We don't know who's outside.
- That's why. What if it's more people ? More people we don't.. - we started to listen it closer, like it was right next to the door. It wasn't a knock knock but sounded like somebody was there. - this is enough. - Zayn started to walk closer to the door. - when I say 3, we open ok ? You stay inside.
- Okay, babe!
- 1..2..3.
  Zayn opened the door, the wind invaded my face and the cold made my body freeze, Zayn ran to outside after picking a knife. Actually I never thought he would have one until the moment I saw him searching for somebody in the garden. He was brave enough to protect a whole population.

- Zayn ? - I called his name right after I started to feel the rain falling on my body.
- I don't see anybody.. - he said lowly - I can't find..anything different.
- Maybe we did a whole mess in our minds, Zayn.
- Nah..something was here, Chris. We both listened.
- Wind ?
- The wind doesn't walk.
- Hey! - we listened a voice but we couldn't see anything until the moment Cameran showed up right next to Zi's car.
- CAMERAN! - Zayn screamed automatically - what a hell are you doing here ?
- I couldn't I went to search for my teddy and it was in the car.
- Cameran.. - Zayn took a deep breathe - let's get inside!
  He hold his brother on his arms and we took him to his bed. We stayed for a bit on his room so we could see him falling asleep and be sure he wasn't going nowhere. Zayn and I left the room right after that angel started to dream.
Zayn was tired, worried and after all of that, I still could listen his  heart beating faster than mine did, and that was a bit rare to happen. 
- I still can't believe it was just my brother. - he said closing our door's room.
- Actually I thought million of things and nothing made me imagine did he walked beside us ?
- Oh that's the thing I'm less worried with babe. He is really smart and he doesn't give up on something until he does it. We were both sleeping, it wasn't that hard.
- Do you believe it was just the teddy ?
- No..I don't. To be honest, I think it was everything except the teddy..
- What do you mean ?
- You know.. - he sat down next to me in the bed - he is too smart and he may knows that we are being visited a way too much and something it's not good. He saw the guy coming here and my brother knows what he was doing, he knows he was wrong on saying to that asshole what he did.
- So you think he was..
- Searching for anybody in the garden ? Yes Christine. I think, he's brave enough to think he would be able to catch somebody.
- We need to protect him, babe. He can't go there all the time trying to turn the situation better.
- Don't worry, I will have a talk with him tomorrow.
- We will. You can count on me for his own education. - Zayn couldn't stop smiling at me after listening my words - is everything ok ? Why you smiling like that ?
- You made me think on how our sons and daughters will be.

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