The Letters

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I could see him hiding the letters in his back
- no..nothing
- yes, I saw you smiling reading some papers.
- it's..just.. - I tried to take them from him but he kept shaking his hands what made it harder - okay, okay! I only read 5!
- 5 ? Which 5?
- those. - he put in my hand 6 letters. Actually little letters.
" I miss him, and I'm sure he misses me too. Is he feeling good ? Is he smiling ? I wish we could be smiling together right now " said the first one I read. Those were some letters I used to write when I went to Los Angeles, the first days. I used to miss and feel too much so I used to write on my pauses, so I could take it off of my chest. It was my way.
I couldn't be mad at him since he was smiling so much.
- why that smile ? - I asked smiling too.
- you missed me..
- how could I not miss ? If you were half of me..
- you still be my favorite poetry, do you know ?
- no..I think you need to show me in those 3 weeks.. - I kissed him on his check.
- 3 weeks ? Holidays ?
- yes!!
- can I spend them with you ?
- everything that you want!
- everything ? - he said smirking and I couldn't handle that.
- don't abuse me..
- that's the last thing Id do. I'll make those 3 weeks the best weeks of your life. - he kissed me slowly.
- lets..stop..I'm still in my job. But damn..
- damn ?
- your kisses are too good.
He laughed.
- actually I know something better than kissing here in the hospital..
- oh do you ?
- yes. Do you accept to come with this Prince, my princess ? - he used a charming voice. Much more charming than his
- this princess accepts. - I smiled at him.
He walked on my front to outside of the hospital, I couldn't even remember to say a goodbye to the doctors or other nurses. Nothing else matter.

- where are we going ?
- you accept to walk a bit by the beautiful Los Angeles streets at 3 pm ?
- To be feet hurt..Prince.
- well we have to walk since I forgot my horse at home.
- and there isn't any car waiting for this princess ?
- no..this Prince walked for reach this place.
- I can't believe we are doing this. - I started to laugh loud in the street and I could feel everybody looking at me.
- everybody is looking at you..
- I don't care.. - I kept laughing - I hope people know how cute that you are. One day I'm gonna get drunk and..
- I will scream to the world that you're so cute as this..
- actually I don't need to get drunk to do that.. - he jumped to a rock that was in the middle of the garden that could make him look a way taller.
- wait, wait..what you doing Zayn ?
- just watch! - he started to clap and trying to catch people attention. There was like 6,7 people looking at him. I was trying to cover my face.
- LISTEN UP MY PEOPLE, here next to me is my beautiful and nice girlfriend that I love so much! More than the stars love the moon, - he was literally screaming and more people were arriving to listen him - more than my little brother loves his superhero collection. And I'm sorry to interrupt your day, but if you love somebody, show them that you love them more than anything! Everyday! Show them how incredible they are and how much you care. Now, thank you and don't but love with your whole heart!
  I was right there crying, smiling and so were everybody around us. I didn't know what to do. But I knew that I wanted to love him forever.

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