Living in pain

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I wanted to imagine a life after what I was living in that moment and I couldn't. What if he was really dead? What had happened before I had woke up? What did really happen to him? Did he fight? Did he was real and died defending himself? What would I tell to Trisha? What would Cameran think? My poor Cameran, my poor angel..what would he be thinking?

Those sad questions were flying around my mind while I was crying more and more, each minute. Each minute, felt more painful, felt closer to death.

-          Babe..if you..are.. – it was hard to say that word – dead..please take me with you. I don't want to live here without what keeps me alive.

With my head in his lap and my tied hands and legs right next to him, I closed my eyes, and in that moment I felt a little drop falling in my forehead like it was rain but it wasn't raining. It was from his eyes.

-          ZAYN! – his eyes were finally opened and I wanted to scream of happiness, I wanted to hug him with my tied body. – are alive. You didn't leave me.

He opened his eyes totally and started to look around like he was searching for somebody that wasn't me. Did he forget who I was?

-          Zayn..are you..babe..look at me. – he looked what made me feel calmer.

- – he tried to talk with me.

I started to look around, realizing that the only thing that could help was my own lips. My hands couldn't move so I did what I had to do. With my lips, I helped taking it off and the truth is that was a long battle but when I finally did it..I started to kiss him like there was no tomorrow, like we were kissing for the first and last time. Tears were falling between our kiss, our tears mixed in heavy ones. My soul was finally back to me.

-          I I had lost you.

- never will. – Gosh, how much I missed that voice.

-          They think you are dead, they made me believe you were dead..

-          They throw me to the wall and I think my head started to bleed..but..did you remember how we got here? Did you see something?

-          I..just remember falling in my house floor and when I opened my eyes, you front of me bleeding.

-          Where are we? We need to move from here.

Both of us started to look around, to see if there was something familiar, something that we could identify where we were. There was a window, a closed window that we didn't know what would take us. There was two doors and a large hall between them, what would take us to more places but with our tied tights..we couldn't go anywhere. The walls were black, there was only one red sofa and two dishes, without food in the floor. That looked like a lost room for lost people to think about. Everything around made me feel lost.

-          What can we do? – Zayn asked. – the doors.

-          Wait babe, we don't know what we have in the other entries.

-          Are they..there?

-          No..they went there and then opened other door and closed it. So I think they left.

-          Good. Can you do something with your lips?

-          Just tell me.

-          Unleash me. – he said looking at his hands. – After this, I will help you.

-          I will try, I promise.

I felt like that was the most important thing I could ever do, our lives were depending on me, specially on my lips. I tried to search where was the end of the rope so I could start unleashing his hands. Zayn was nervous, always looking around to see if there was anybody coming, if there was anybody that could catch us and give us worse punishment.

-          It's done! Move them!

-          I love you! Let's do this.

He started by my hands and ended up on his legs. We could finally get up of the floor and hug each other. We could finally run and save each other.  

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