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Thursday, 17th February

  I didn't sleep anything. A whole night wondering and thinking on the gang, which gang. I kept hugging Zayn a whole night for make sure he was there, I kept my head next to his chest so I could listen his heartbeat and make sure he was alive.
  I wasn't even sleepy in that morning, so I dresses up quickly after a shower and went to buy some food. I just wanted to make sure everybody had what they needed. 9 pm, Zi already had left the house. I left a little paper in the kitchen " I went to buy some food, you two deserve the best breakfast. Don't take time XO Chris " ;
The weather was too cold in that morning and my clothes weren't enough to keep me warm. Nobody was in the street, I saw only cars passing by me 5 in 5 minutes, what was strange. Los Angeles uses to have lots of people, even if at 9 pm in a cold day.
When I enter in the little market, I felt something weird, there was a group of old guys next to a old house, right in the middle of the road and the supermarket. They were talking loud until the moment I passed by them.
- good morning. - I said when I entered in the market. It was weird to not see anyone. - is somebody here ?
I looked back and it was two guys from the group I saw outside with two guns pouting at me. I fell in the floor giving them my back. I didn't know what to do more.
- look at this Chavez!!
- don't mention my name, stupid ass! What do you want ? - he slapped his face, how didn't he cry ?!
- This fat bitch thinks we want her money!
- I don't have anything more..
- shut up! Yes you do! - he said looking down at my body. - show us !
- No! I won't! Who do you think you are ?
- you want to die ? YOU WANT TO DIE GIRL ? DIE ! YOU WANT THAT ?
- why don't you kill yourselves instead of kill innocent people ? Why you do this to people ?
- look mrs smart, you are a dead person if you don't show us those boobs.
" prun prum " we listened a gun, people screaming from outside, they ran away from me and I ran away from there. I grabbed my bag and i didn't even look back. My legs were shaking, my chest was hurting and was hard to keep breathing. I found myself on my knees after some time of running, I felt like I was going to die.

" she's awake Zayn! "
" she's awake! "
  I opened my eyes again. Where am I ?
Kept looking around and I recognized that small. Hospitals ? No, the room was too comfy. Brown halls with old frames, the closet was old too. There was a cat sleeping in the couch right next to the bad, red and blue hair, I had water next to me. I wanted to scream and get out of there.
I closed my eyes again until the moment I listened a voice, his voice.
- Christine..Chris..Chris..
- calm down son, she needs to rest. - said a old women that I've never seen in my life.
- I.. I am awake. - I said. My voice was weak but my eyes were good enough to see that Zayn was right there in front of me.
- how do you feel, darling ? - said the old women
- who..who are you ?
- I'm sorry love, I didn't present myself. My name is Caroline. I found you in the floor when I was coming from the church. I knew I was doing something good by bringing you here. You fainted.

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