The book.

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- oh Cameran no.. I didn't save anybody. I mean, it's my job, and there's other people who helped your brother as well.
- but you are special, Christine!
- thank you, I really appreciate your words. - I smiled to him. Honestly Cameran was such a good boy and he looked like Zayn's kid version. Really little, big brown eyes, black hair with a little quiff. Just a precious kid, and I remember when Trish was pregnant from him like it was yesterday.
- So Chris, tell us more about your life, sweetie. We wanna know, I mean we didn't talk for years!
- yes..I really wanna know. - Zayn smirked at me. My heart exploded, I could feel it.
- well, I live in Los Angeles in a little apartment. I have a busy life in the hospital..
- and your parents ? - Zi asked.
- My dad only comes here once in a while. But my mom..I only talk with her, I don't really see her. She is busy with her clothes.
- still working for Vogue ?
- yeah, she does. I understand what it is. Working like her it's pretty hard.
- send her huge kisses from us when you talk to her!
- I will. - I smiled.
- Do you have a boyfriend, Chris ? - Cameran asked me with the biggest smile.
I felt kinda shocked because I was expecting that question from the moment I arrived. Not from him, at all.
- what a great question. As your ex, it will be good to know..
- Its time for me to clean the dishes. - Zi said giggling going to the kitchen. - Cam, come with me!!
- noooo! I stay with Chris!
I felt my heart beating faster than it was before. I didn't know what to do, he didn't deserve to know, I mean he had a girlfriend, I didn't want him to tell him that I'm here alone waiting for a prince coming to Los Angeles and save me ?! Ok Chris.
- Yes. I have a boyfriend. - I lied. I could not to.
- humm, a boyfriend ?
- yes Zayn. A boyfriend.
- what's his name ?
- Bob. - what a great idea Chris, your dogs name.
- Interesting. I'm happy you moved on! You deserve. - he said smiling and that seemed so honest that broke me in million pieces.
- and you ?
- you know about me. I have a girl on my life and she makes me happy but it's pretty weird to be saved by your ex. - he laughed.
- what ex means, brother ?
- Cameran this it's something too complicated but it's like..
- the last thing you've done. - I interrupted.
- What do you mean ?
- Well, what was the last thing you did before dinner ?
- I washed my hands.
- so, that's a kind of what Ex means.
- I understood!! So I will go back to my ex! - he got out of the table and went to the bathroom.
- what a good explanation, Teacher. - Zayn said slowly clapping.
- Nurse. And please don't say that I saved you, I mean things aren't like that.
- Who said that I was talking about what happened today ?
  My mind stopped. And flew to 4 years ago. I knew what he was trying to mean. When we were younger, Zayn was really effected by lots of bad situations that were coming to his life everyday and I always tried to keep him happy, I always tried to save him from everybody who were bringing him down. Life was hard when we were young, life was hard for us. But the things had to be like that and in that moment, we were sat in the table taking about us and lying to each other.
- If you are talking about our past..
- Chris, I think I never had a chance to thank you for everything but I'm really happy you came in my life and did what you did.
- Zayn, - I interrupted. It was just hard to listen those words and not to think in the past. - I know how hard it was for both of us but we can't keep our head in the past. You have an amazing person with you now, and so I do! So we should keep thinking on that. Right ?
Zayn smiled - you are right. But I just really wanted you to know that. I'm sorry we left each other, I mean as friends.
- I'm sorry too but life it's like that. I think it was meant to be. My parents couldn't stay there, then I went to university, I was always studying and never with time for relationships. But what matters it's that now we are talking! We are here now.
- yes yes! You are right. Let's no more talk about this. So, how did you meet Bob ?
Why did he come with this ? Why is he always talking about ? I need urgently to find somebody to "be" my boyfriend. What's he gonna want next ?! To meet him ?
- oh it was funny. I met him when I was running in the park and I found him.
- sounds cool.
  Dammit, I just said how I found my dog. Chris think!
- it was really amazing because I had lost my book in the day before and he was reading it ! So I got courageous and asked him if he had find that book in the park. But in the end it was really his book.
- so you got no book but you got a boyfriend, that's actually really nice. Me and my girl was something cool too but nothing with books! - he laughed.

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