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He stayed looking at me when I was dressing myself, I felt safer that way, I felt better in that way with him by my side.

-          It's done. – I said looking at him, looking at my hair in the mirror. It was a mess but I wasn't caring that much.

-          How do you feel?

-          Babe..i am alright. You don't need to ask me that every 5 minutes..

-          I am just so worried..I feel useless.

-          What?

-          I didn't..

-          Come here. – I needed him closer, I needed to kiss him so he could stop saying those sad words. That's what I did. – Every time you say things like that, I am going to make you stop. Seriously Zayn, you saved me.

-          If I saved you while we are here?

-          Because doctors do what heroes can't and heroes do much more than they can. Do I have to explain like I explained to Cameran?

He just smiled at me, opening the door.

-          We need to go home, now.

-          Let's go.

Right next to my door's room, the police were waiting for us. They let me get the medications that the doctor told me about before and say goodbye to everybody who cared for me, I respect the hospital job a lot and I always thank them for what they do. In the end of the day, I am also one of them.

  Outside the hospital, it was just me, Zayn, Zi, Cameran and the police. I wanted to go home and see what happened while we weren't there but at same time, my heart was beating faster than ever.

-          My mom is calling.. – Zayn said right when we arrived in front of my apartment.

-          You can pick up. – Mario said. – I will be the first one to enter in your house, Christine can you give me your key?

-          Sure. – I gave him.

-          You stay here with my mate.

-          Uncle.. – Cameran looked confused to Zi.

-          Yes love?

-          Why is the police here?

-          To keep us safe..

-          I thought we already were with Zayn and Christine.

-          They make part of our team. – I said, trying to listen what Zayn was saying outside of the road on the phone.

-          Don't be afraid, little guy, we are here. – the police smiled to Cameran.

-          You do an amazing job but I bet my heroes are stronger than you..

-          Humm, who are they?

-          My brother and my super mom, Christine.

-          Cammy, I am not your..

-          Chris!! – Zayn opened my door – my parents bought the tickets for a trip in 4 fours!! We need to be there one hour before so we have 3 hours!

-          What? Like tonight?

-          We need to be there at 6:30 am. Zi, please can you go home with Cameran and make the rest of the bags? My mom was doing hers but know..

-          Sure love! But how can I go?

-          Mario stays with them. I can give you a ride and then take you right here so we can go together.

-          Thank you so much! We appreciate that.

Mario came in my window doing a sign to his mate in the car, I understood that we could go and that's exactly what he told us to do. We walked to my door, entered in and everything was exactly as I saw in the last time that I was there. It was sad to don't even recognize my own home.

-          Look at the key! – Zayn said picking it from the floor – we are safe!

-          Thanks God. Damn..I thought she was with it.

-          Same here, babe but I am happy it's ours so we can go.

We kept looking around, looking if there was something that I needed to take but nothing was found. Maybe I needed but my house was so weird, it didn't look like it was mine so it was impossible finding something.

Zayn tried to put the things as they were, cleaning around while I was sat in the sofa looking at him, remembering our last night, and how everything was before getting the way it did. It's crazy how things can change in just hours or seconds but life it's like that and maybe it has reasons why everything it's that way. It would be so weird if we already knew everything that would happen, right?! That's why humanity doesn't like to plan anything, humans have a certain joy on seeing unexpected things happening in the unexpected moments. Life can be a crazy game, we just need to learn how to play it.

  After 1 hour and some minutes, Zi appeared in the car, full of bags. We were finally ready to go, everything looked like we had planned.

  Cameran was already sleeping in the car next to us, Zayn was holding my hand and smiling. Even if I knew he wasn't that happy and that honestly was hurting me.

  We arrived in the airport, safe but tired, I almost felt asleep in the trip but I needed to make sure that nothing bad could happen, even if I wasn't the right one that could save everybody.

-          Look, my parents are there!! – Zayn waved at them, who were inside, looking at everybody, seeing if they could fins us. – let's go!

-          Need help with the bags? – Mario asked me, seeing myself grabbing as many as I could.

-          Sure, if you don't mind.

Zayn, Mario and me were grabbing the bags, holding some in the back as well, while Zi kept saying sorry for holding Cameran, who was sleeping in her arms. When we found Trisha and Yaser, they were just so happy to seeing us. We automatically sat next to them in the waiting room. We needed to wait for about 3 hours, I just needed the time to pass fast so we could be in Nice and totally safe.

The room 102 - z.m ficsWhere stories live. Discover now