The Roof

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That look meant everything, we didn't need to say a simple word. Sometimes we talk more with our hands, or our eyes than our lips ever will. And that moment proved that.

After a while, Cameran went with Zi and I only remember to fell asleep on Zayn's chest. I woke up from a nap of 4 hours in the sofa.
I heard noises in the kitchen, it was him, doing sandwiches and preparing chips. Honestly, the kitchen was a mess but that was the mess I wanted to be in, for the rest of my days.
- you woke up! I didn't want you to wake you up!
- no,'s fine. What are you doing ?
- our roof dinner. Sandwiches, pizza, chips..a really classic dinner.
- not classy but my favorite.. - not the best cook but the best boyfriend.
- so are you ready to jump from the window again ?
- well, it's not that high right ?
- no babe, don't worry. I'll be there for you and of course, if we fall..we fall together. - he said while putting the pizzas in the dishes around some chips, he was doing everything so fast. - well, it's ready and in the perfect time! 8 pm!
- where is Zi and Cameran ?
- oh, they went to cinema and will have a dinner in my favorite restaurant..
- so we are alone ?
- no..Bob is here. - he said picking up Bob from the floor. My little baby was so happy.
- Bob.. - I said with a smile remembering the imaginary boyfriend.
- he is a nice guy, top fluffy to be your ex boyfriend, actually. - he laughed at me.
- silly! So you want help ?
- no babe, I can do this on my own. - he said putting everything in a camping bag, he looked like we were going in a huge trip but honestly, I could feel that. Maybe not physically.
   Bob stayed on the kitchen with a piece of pizza, while me and Zayn walked in the direction of the roof. It wasn't hard but also wasn't easy to look down and don't have some vertigo. I sat right next to him, the moon was already right in front of us and that looked completely beautiful. The sky in Los Angeles looks so real, everything looks real in this city.
- remember..the first time we did this ?
- I would never imagine that after all, we would be here again.
- to be honest with you, I really thought we would.

  throw back
Summer night in the roof,
17 July 2011

- so tell me, do you believe in life beyond this one ? - he asked me
- yes I do! What about you ?
- do you believe in aliens ?
Of course! It's hard to find a girl who does.
- well, I guess my mom is right then
- what do you mean ?
- she says I'm different from the other girls..
- does she ? Yeah she's right, but in good terms of course. It's hard to find a girl who likes aliens, isn't afraid of going to the roof and jumping by the window with me, who likes nachos as much as I do, and prefers winter over the summer..
- I think you could write a book already about me, honestly
- oh no, there's so much that I have to find..
- you can ask me anything, know that.
- do you believe in love ?
- what ?
- love.
- why that question ?
- you told me I could ask anything
- Okay..but this term is infinite, there's so many types of love.
- what about the love between a boy and a girl that just met ?
- I don't believe in the love at  first sign. That's not love. That's an attraction. You can't love somebody if you don't know their heart and mind, what they think about, what they love to do, what they don't like about themselves, what's the time they go to sleep or why they laugh. Love doesn't come in one second, love grows every second.
- I love your mind, Christine.
- I're the only one
- maybe it's because you never told them this..
- they never let me anyway.
- what do you mean ?
- I'm not that opened to people, I have to know or like the person very much.
- so, that means you like me very much ?
- we met 3 months ago and you're already asking this to me..
- Okay. I get it, I think I'm being too annoying, my dad is right, I
- I do.
- what ?
- I like you very much.
- like what ?
- I like you, fool! I like you.
- but like to the moon and back ?
- why not to Pluto and back ?
- I think that will happen only when we are about to marry or something. I mean I'm not saying I love you but I think that's a bit..
- what if I do ? What if I love you ?
- When people love each other, they tell each other. My parents always told me that, if we feel, we say. People need to talk about love, to make the love happen.
Don't you agree ?
- sorry Zayn, I don't. We don't need to say that we love to express that we do.
- that's the main idea, yes.
- okay so when you love a tell her ?
- it..depends.
- depends on what ?
- the situation. Like for an example, if I love a girl and we are in the roof, with a huge chance to fall and break our bones if we hug each other and kiss, of course I won't tell her but if we get out of the roof, of course I will.
- let's get out of here ?
- yes please because I really need to tell her.

- it was the best kiss that I've ever felt. - I looked at Zayn remembering our past, remember how it started. - it was funny because your mom caught us like 3 minutes later in the kitchen. We thought everybody was sleeping.
- you got so ashamed and shy in a couple of seconds. I remember I went to sleep and I couldn't stop giggling. You made that boy so happy, Christine.

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