The birthday picture

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-          Can I drink coffee too ? – Cameran came in the kitchen, surprising us with his presence. Bob was following him.

-          Coffee it's something for adults, bro..when you have time, maybe.

-          Like love, right ?

I looked at Zayn and he looked at me, I knew he was going to prepare something  to tell him so I just looked at my floor, where was Bob with his tongue out and looking at me, I smiled and waited to hear Zayn's voice.

-          Like love, of course. But love maybe happens before you start drinking coffee, it's not good to your health.

-          So why are you drinking ?

-          Maybe you should ask the nurse. – Zayn pointed at me – MOM! DAD! AUNT! It's ready.

-          Hey..come here – I folded myself to be closer to him, seeing his family arriving – sometimes, the coolest things aren't healthy for you like can destroy our bones but it calms a lot of people as well.

-          Does it calm you ?

-          It does.

-          What calms me it's to see my brother before I go to sleep..I think it's better than coffee, isn't it Chris ?

- is a way better than coffee.

How can a boy so young know life so good ?

Zayn didn't listen him saying that, he was busy talking to his mom about how even the coffee can change in California and how many different tastes we have around the world. I had to tell him that later, he would be very proud.

-          So, do you like the coffees ? – I sit next to the table with Zayn next to me. – this is the only model I have here but we can go to supermarket and try other ones.

-          No, no..we are fine, love – Trisha said after finishing hers – it's really a good one. In the kitchen we were talking, are you good cooker ?

-          Mom, I am not gonna be hungry, don't worry. – Zayn said knowing how Trisha worries about his health.

-          I know how to do some Brazilian food, Portuguese as well but in general, I think I am good. Actually, I was talking with Zayn about cooking tonight for you!

-          I want pizza!! – Cameran said hitting the table with his little hands.

-          Bro, you have been eating too much pizza lately..

-          Chris said that some unhealthy things can calm us and pizza calm me.

-          No, pizza makes you a crazy boy, it gives you too much energy and you need to sleep well. – Zayn tried to convince him. I controlled myself to not giggle. – So's gonna be a special dish and we can't say the name. – I looked at Zayn, confused because we still didn't even decide which one it was.

- won but can I cook with you ?

-          You..

-          You can. – I interrupted Zayn – but you can't reveal our secrets to anybody, deal ?

-          No, no no, nobody.

-          You promise ? – Zayn gave him the little finger. I always loved those moments like that.

-          I do!

After the coffee, we went to the living room, seeing some TV and Cameran remembered that he wanted to see my pictures when I was a baby. I had a lot of pictures in boxes at my room so Zayn helped me with it and we started to see. Zayn was the one who took more time watching the pictures, he always had something to say about each one of them; his brother who was next to him, couldn't stop making questions about everything, what made me laugh sometimes. Zayn's parents and aunt were remembering how we met, and how big friends we were when we were younger, how everything started to happen.

  I was blushing every time they mentioned those moments to us, most of them I knew exactly what they were talking about: I could never forget, even one second of my life with Zayn in the beginning. We were really shy but he was always the first one to talk about feelings, I only did that by texts, it was hard for me to face those beautiful eyes and say everything that my chest had to say but day each day, the shyness started to fade and he became my diary.

-          Look what I found! – Trisha, with her arm standing, showed a picture of me and Zayn.

    It was kinda, of what we call today Selfie. I remember that moment. It was in Adeline's garden, one of our school friends. It was on her bday and I was wearing one of the most beautiful dresses my mom ever designed, it was all blue with a white line crossing my waist. Zayn was very classic too, I bought him that outfit as a birthday gift when he completed 18. That was one of our last moments as a happy couple in London.

We were laughing in the picture because Adeline couldn't stop joking about the fact Zayn didn't want to take a picture with anybody but only with me. He had such a baby face and I won't even describe mine.

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