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- please quit the job and come with me.. - he said between kisses.
- I can't quit it but I can ask for some holidays.
- do it..I need to spend my days like this, looking at you, smiling at you, watch your favorite shows, read your favorite books, let you wear my sweaters.
- okay, I'm gonna ask my boss but I can't promise you anything. I really need to be with you, since you came here I can't even concentrate to see somebody's temperature. - I said giggling while he was with his hands on my waist, pressing my body against the wall.
- Such a bad nurse Christine..that's why you need holidays!
- no, you need me to be in holidays.
KNOCK KNOCK, we hear a noise in the door, somebody wanted to get it, automatically we left each other's body.
- Come..Come in.. - I said shaking.
- hello. - it was one of the nurses, Tatiana - oh I am sorry I didn't want to interrupt this consult.
- no,'s alright. Do you need anything ?
- it's just the director was calling for us. I was sent to call you. I think it's about the holidays!
- SO COOL! - Zayn said excited. Okay what a damn this boy has in his mind ? I looked at him serious like he said the stupidest thing ever. I mean he didn't say anything bad, I just didn't want to people see our connection, not in my work. - I mean..nurses deserve a pause.
- ah! Thank you! - Tatiana said - so you come ?
- yes yes, wait in door, I'll go there in a minute.
In the second she closed the door and went outside, I could see Zayn dancing around me, and that honestly made me laugh, I automatically started to laugh. The way he was dancing was honestly the sexiest and adorable.
- look! Wait here for me ok ? I'll be back in some minutes! Don't do anything silly and if somebody comes here, say you're waiting for me. For the nurse, not for your girlfriend.
- okay girlfriend..nurse. - he smiled - go go! I'll be waiting. 

I walked with her to our directors room. It was about our holidays so there wasn't nothing wrong to think.
- Chris..before we enter..can I ask you something ?
- sure Tatiana. What's happening ?
- Who..was that boy ?
- guy..that has a lungs problem. Why ?
- he's so beautiful..just wanted to say that.
I giggled without saying any word. I actually wanted to thank her, to say that I knew and I was so glad that he was mine but I couldn't. I just don't trust on anybody that appears on my front, it was hard for me to handle in Los Angeles and don't make friends. Since I left my home, I became colder than before. I canceled all my social media, deleted all the memories as I deleted the phone numbers. If you ask me why, I won't reply to you in the best way. I spent so many time of my life sad that my parents looked like they waited for me to become happy to take my joy from me..and since that day, I decided to give up on everybody. It's just hard to trust people when your heart stayed broken for so long.

  " Great! Holidays for 3 weeks! This gonna be completely amazing, let's tell Zayn. This boy gonna love it! "
  I was already done with the work in that day so these were the first seconds of my holidays. I opened the door and I saw Zayn there smiling at letters..letters ? Wait, what was he reading ?
- HEY!
- H-heey!
- what are you reading ?

The room 102 - z.m ficsWhere stories live. Discover now