Visiting the old walls.

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-, for real. I wanna know the truth.
- I am saying the truth.
- But you prefer London or Los Angeles ?
- Of course London is our place, I think it's in the right time to leave this place. We will be happy there.
- Okay baby. - he smiled - I have to think what we are going to do in that house - we left the house, Zayn locked the door looking around smiling. He was happy. - there's a big room, we can make a games room, what you think?
- I want a library as well, silly!
- It's a big house, we are going to have enough space for that.
- Are you thinking about moving to London ? - Trisha heard us when we got in the car talking about it. - it's so cute to see you like this!
- We are just imagining our house will look alike!
- That's good, Christine! You can stay in our house if you need.
- Mom! Mom! Mom! Please, let me live with them! - Cameran begged Trisha while he was hugging Bob. My dog was always licking his whole face.
- have been growing up already in so many different places, you can't keep doing that.
- Zayn..Chris.. - he was waiting for listen our answer, we were just laughing.
- He can live with us with no problem at all, we love him!
- YES! - he screamed what made Bob stop licking him - I won, mom!
- Yes baby, we see that later.
- I really hope I can live there so I can see they kissing all the time.

  Our faces started to blush a lot and everybody ended up smiling and giggling a lot, specially Cameran because he knew that everybody thought he was right.
  Visiting my house was weird. Doing that trip again made me remember how I used to get home again after work, with nobody by my side, only listening my music. For a moment I remembered that I used to have a part-time job in the bar to forget how lovely it was in the weekends. I used the work to get me away from my single thoughts and life. Every time I was alone thinking, there were
bad thoughts coming, I always did my best to ignore but it wasn't always easy. I can imagine he was in the same position but he had his brother and aunt, while I just had my dog and a love songs to listen.

- there it is my little apartment. - I said getting of the car as long with them. - I hope you like it.
- We will, baby. - Zayn said.

  We started to getting close of my door, passing by mr Francis and mr Marisson door. I didn't listen any different sounds of what I was used to listen.
  I opened my door and it was exactly in the same way that it was when I left. Zayn smiled as I opened the door, I still don't know the reason while his family kept looking around.
- wow! I love it! It's so lovely. It's your face. - Trisha said.
- Let me show you the rest of the house - I put my bag in the sofa trying to see if there was any new spider. Spiders usually come when we left.
- I wanna live in this sofa! - Cameran said jumping on it what made Trisha really mad.
-'s alright, Trish, I understand. I love it too.
- We can take it to our house in London, right ?
- Our, brother ? I love how you say that! - Zayn sat on the sofa next to him, putting his arm around his back.
- It's gonna be ours, right ?
- Of course. Right Chris ?
- Right!

  I started to take them to every room of my house, even through there weren't that much: my kitchen, my room, my bathroom, and the amazing views of my window. We could see half of the city and at night, it was the perfect movie scene for a marvel movie. They were always saying nice things about it, specially Trish and Zi, always looking at my pictures and all of my London memories, how they used to know me. Looking at the same places that they were, it made me forget my past and start to imagine how my life would be in London again. Should I tell my mom ? Should I contact and be with my father ? I was worried but I just wanted to make the right choice. I didn't want to make anything bad anymore.

- you have such a lovely place, darling. It's really nice to be here.
- You are free to come here every time you want.
- So you won't sell it, babe ?
- Nah, we can keep our little memories here, right ?
- You are right, my philosophic princess.
- Don't make me blush right here..anyway - I giggled looking at all of them with their eyes shinning - who wants coffee ?

  I kept listening everybody asking for one so I went to the kitchen with Zayn to do them while Zi, Yaser, Cameran and Trisha stayed in the sofa at living room. I could listen and see them from my little kitchen's window. It used to be my favorite part of my home. Now, it was him.

- I love you. - Zayn said while I was putting sugar on the coffee. He was looking straight at my hands working, with a shy smile.
- I love how you say that every time that I'm not expecting.
- You need to. I love you every second, you know that right ?
- I love you more. - I kissed him deeply after preparing the coffees.
- Why..we always have the sexiest moments in a kitchen ? What did happen to us ?
- Maybe it's a sign we work really good in the kitchen. - I smirked making him laugh.
- You know what we should do for tonight ? The dinner. Me and you, together.
- Are you sure ? I don't know how to prepare anything special.
- You don't need to prepare something special, let's just do our best there.
- Ok baby! It's gonna be fun!
- It will be funnier after that.. - he whispered to me bitting my ear. That calm sexy voice invading my body made my heart heavier, made the air dance in the lungs.

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