Unknown Neighbor- Sam and Dean (Part 4)

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He started pulling apart the wall paper all around the living room to reveal a wall completely covered in different sigils. "Hell, these things ward off every monster possible," Dean remarked.

"Are you sure your grandma wasn't a hunter?" Sam asked.

You shook your head in disbelief. How could you never have noticed this? "This doesn't make any sense. Why didn't she tell me this?"

"She probably just wanted to keep you safe. That could be why she gave you the deed to this house," Sam explained.

"There's got to be more," you thought back for a moment to the times you spent with your grandmother. And then it hit you. "Her old room!"

"What?" Dean raised a brow.

"Follow me," you ran up the stairs to the door of your grandmother's old bedroom. The last time you were in there was when she was dying in her bed. That's when she gave you the deed to the house before going off into eternal slumber. You took a deep breath, then open the wooden door slowly, hearing it creak loudly.

"Why are we here?" Sam asked.

"Well when I was younger, my grandma gave me a key. She never explained what it opened and why she was giving it to me, but she told me to guard it with my life," you explained. Taking a deep breath, you untucked the necklace you had on and took it off, revealing a key with a symbol that looked similar to the Men of Letters symbol.

Dean's eyes widened, "Woah, that looks a lot like..."

"I know," you nodded grimly, turning to face another door inside her room. You always wondered what was on the other side of that door but your grandmother forbade you from even going near it. Yet you were sure that she was just waiting for the right time. And this was it. You kissed the key before putting it through the lock of the door. After a quick twist and jolt, the door swung open to reveal a staircase that led down.

"Man, this just gets weirder and weirder," Dean muttered.

Without saying anything further, you walked right in, taking caution with each step. The boys followed closely behind, only guided by the outside light peering through the windows of the bedroom. Once you were all in, the door shut completely behind Sam, making the path completely pitch dark. "Guess that means keep moving," Sam shrugged, urging you to go on.

"It's too dark to see anything down here," you said, before pulling out your phone to turn on the flashlight. The boys leaned against the wall as they went down, making sure they didn't trip over you. Once you finally got onto flat ground, the room suddenly lit up, revealing what looked almost like a bunker/artillery.

On the back wall was the Men of Letters symbol drawn large. "Looks like your grandma wasn't a hunter after all," Sam remarked, "She was a Women of Letters."

"This is insane," you gawked at the sight. It was unbelievable. Over at the corner was a desk filled with different files and books. You flipped through the file cabinet, finding her name in a breeze.

"What's that?" Dean asked.

"I think it's a case file about my grandma," you said, quickly opening it up to read.

Agent (G/F/N) (Smith/Rodriguez)
DOB: (Grandmother's Birthday)
Sex: F
Occupation: Woman of Letters
Notes: Agent Smith has reported to the safe house behind the Men of Letters Bunker. We have finished all renovations to the safe house, the spreadsheet of the house is attached to her file. She is to remain in this home with her partner, Agent (L/N) and keep watch of the perimeters of the Men of Letters bunker. As well as that, she will keep hold of important records and findings in the case that the Men of Letters bunker is somehow found and ambushed.

"Wait...my grandpa was a Men of Letters too?" You gasped. "This is too much. This doesn't make any sense. Why did they never tell me?"

"I'm sure they had their reasons," Sam tried reassuring you.

"Hey...is there a file on a Henry Winchester in there?" Dean asked. Confused, you rummaged back through the file cabinet and pulled out the one labeled "Agent Henry W."

"Here you go," you handed it to Dean, then turned your attention back to the desk, looking for any more evidence to help you understand your grandparents' lives better. At the far edge of the desk, you noticed a little black leather journal. "Hmm...this could be something."

"Hey, didn't her file say there was a layout of the house attached?" Sam asked.

"Yeah, why?"

"Could I get a look at it?"

"Sure," you handed Sam her file, standing beside him as he took out and unfolded the spreadsheet. He pointed to a square on the bottom right. "Alright so this is where we are...but that's weird..."

"What?" You asked.

"Well on here it shows that there's a door in this room, but I don't see any door here. Do you?"

"Hmm..." you took a quick look around the room till your eyes landed on a book case. "I know this might seem really cliché but I think I found our door."

"A book case? Could this get any more Scooby Doo-ish?" Dean scoffed.

You tried to suppress a laugh as you and Sam pulled out books at random. After a few seconds, you landed on one book that seemed to be fixed to straight up on the shelf. With a quick yank, the book case immediately swung right open in front of you all, revealing a dimly lit tunnel. "Woah," you muttered. "Should we go in?"

"I don't know. This isn't shown on the layout," Sam said pensively.

"Oh stop being a bunch of wusses," Dean said, walking right past the two of you and into the tunnel.

You shrugged at Sam, "Guess this means we're going in."

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