Liquid Confidence

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Austin was still nursing his leg from where Oli had thrown some bouncy balls and he fell on his hip, slipping on one. Sienna guessed that that's what he got when he meddled with Oli and his band. Austin gave a heavy sigh and winked at Sienna. 

"Are you sure you're gonna be alright here?" he asked softly. Sienna nodded and grinned. 

"Yeah. You go have fun with the guys. Tell Sam I say happy birthday."

Austin grinned. "Are you gonna be skyping with Avery?" he teased. Sienna blushed and looked down at her hands. 

"That was the plan…" 

"Be good." Austin told her, nodding sharply. 

"Austin the ride's here." Called Josh's voice. Austin grinned. 

"I'll text you to check in later, okay?" He asked. Sienna nodded and he gave her a small smile. "And help yourself to food, okay?" 

Sienna nodded and Austin grinned softly. "Okay. See you." 


Austin nodded curtly and soon, everyone was walking off the bus to ride the cab to the bar that AA and BMTH were already at. 

Sienna was shocked with the silence that hit her like a tidal wave. Sienna blinked rapidly and rubbed her head tiredly. The urge to cut was so powerful, it was making her weak. She was tired and she just wanted to cut. Again. Again and again and again. 

She didn't know why she felt the way she did, but it just felt like a huge weight on her chest and she just wanted it over with. 

Knowing that this wasn't a good option, she decided to stop rifling through Austin's things in search of her blades and pulled out her laptop instead. 

She called up Avery and waited patiently as Avery answered. 

"Hey." He greeted, his covers of his bed drawing around himself as he stilled a yawn. 

"Oh, did I wake you up?" Sienna asked, feeling guilty. Avery shook his head, laughing. 

"No, no. I was awake and surfing the internet. Waiting for you to call." Avery yawned and smiled at Sienna. "What are you up to?" 

"Well, the guys just left to go to Sam's party." Sienna said, sounding bored. "And I just, well, I'm stuck here because it was at a bar." 

"Oh." Avery sounded a bit sympathetic, but he changed the subject. "You make some new friends?" 

"Yeah." Sienna grinned. "Pretty much with everyone, but Josh 'n Lee seem to be my favorite so far." 

"Well, I know Josh is super flirtatious." Avery smirked. "Why Lee?" 

"I don't know." Sienna admitted. "He's just so soft spoken and sweet. He's really kind." 

"Awe, thanks, Sienna." Came Lee's voice from the bunks. Sienna jolted up and gasped, missing the couch and falling to the ground. Avery roared with laughter and Lee grinned, emerging from the shadows of the sleeping area. "That's super kind of you." 

"Lee!" Sienna gasped, rubbing her face and sitting up back on the couch. "I thought you went out!" 

"Clearly." Lee winked, sitting himself next to her. "Hi Avery." 

Avery smiled and waved back to Lee, trying to contain his fan girl side. "Hi, Lee." 

"Why didn't you go out to the party?" Sienna asked, glaring at the 'baby-faced' man next to her. Lee shrugged. 

"Wasn't exactly feeling it tonight. I was kind of tired after the show and I wanted to watch some Game Of Thrones on netflix, but-" He trailed off, his eyes landing on the TV which was playing some horror movie that Sienna and Austin were watching earlier. "Mmm, what's this?" 

"The old Carrie." Sienna sighed, turning back to Avery. "The one with Sissy Spacic." 

"Mmmm." Lee mumbled, now intrigued with the movie. Sienna rolled her eyes and smiled at Avery. 

"What are you up to?" she asked him, fiddling with her hair. Avery grinned. 

"I'm talking to the most beautiful girl I've ever met before." Avery winked. Siena blushed deeply and covered her face with the sleeves of her sweater. Lee made a gagging motion that only Sienna could see and she gave him the finger. 

"Awe, Avery, stop it!" She giggled. Avery smirked, proud of himself. Sienna got lost in talking to him. They spoke for hours and she wasn't aware of how long they were chatting until Lee announced that the third Harry Potter was on of the Harry Potter Marathon. Saying good night to Avery, she logged off, slowly drifting off as she laid her head on Lee's shoulder, listening to Harry Potter. Mike would be proud. 




"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SAMMY BOY!" roared Austin, kissing Sam on the cheek. Sam giggled and pushed Austin away. 

"Thank you!" He shouted back. They both downed shots and Danny cheered, already buying a large bottle of hard liquor and swigging from it. 

Austin stumbled drunkenly around and grinned at Max. Max was wearing Tom's 'Go-Pro' camera around his head like a headlamp and waved at Austin. Austin waved back and Max flounced off, drinking another shot and happily ran off with Josh in tow. 

Phil was cooly sipping on a beer, being the designated person to take care of the boys along with Chris Miller and Tom Sykes. 

Austin stumbled over to Phil and began to stroke his hair. 

"Mmmm. You have pretty hair, Manansala." Austin told Phil seriously. 

Phil was about to say something when a shout caused him to glance up. 

"BRUSNOP!" screamed James as Ben planted his lips on Danny's rubbing on him as a joke. Cameras flashed and Ben stepped away winking. 

"Ah, I've had better." He told Danny. Danny smirked and waved to a girl. 

"You! Yeah you, lady. C'mere. Let's fuck!" 

Somehow, it amazed Austin at how easily Danny could pick up women. Danny smirked at Austin when he noticed he was staring and winked. 

"Confidence, mate. Liquid confidence." He began to make all these puns of YMAS's song, Liquid Confidence. 

Austin rolled his eyes and waved as Danny brought the girl to the bathrooms. The poor innocent girl. 

Austin found himself leaning against a girl with her basically sucking his tongue from his mouth. Austin closed his eyes, leaning into the woman and she grinned into the kiss rubbing on him.

Although Austin was drunk, he was sober enough to ask the girl her age. When she told him she was twenty, with a fake ID reading twenty two, he smirked, allowing her to pull him into the bathrooms, getting lost in the lust of this female who seemed to be completely infatuated with him. 

Sorry it's short. I'm kind of losing sight of where this is going. Be sure to vote or/and comment. I love reading comments! 



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