Farewell To Shady Glade (Friskyhands)

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Sorry it's been so far between updates. I lost track of time and school has been killing me. I got 2 hours sleep last night but I really wanted to upload this.
Austin's PoV
Austin dialled the number of Sienna's social worker. He was told he needed to check in every once and a while so they could keep track of how she was doing.
"Good afternoon, Diana Butcher speaking."
"Hi, it's Austin Carlile."
There was an awkward pause.
"Siena Francis' father."
"Oh, yes! Of course! What can I do for you?"
"I'd like to talk to you about her school work."
"Well we have it on file that she does correspondence, so that shouldn't be a problem."
"Yeah, I know. I was wondering if she could be taken off that for a while, until she gets settled."
"I don't see why she would need to." Diana responded, oblivious.
"Her mother just died in a house fire and she's in a completely new place, I'd say she needs to have a break and not worry about anything." He explained to her, his voice raising slightly as he grew frustrated. Was this lady really that clueless?
"I suppose as you are her father it's your choice. How long would you like to excuse her for?"
"Three or four months."
"Months? I would think weeks at most."
"We're not going to be home for another few months and it would be easier for her to start then."
"I'll see if it can be done. I have another call, I'll email you about it later." And with that she hung up. Irritated Austin punched the padded seat. It didn't do much. Austin flopped down into one of the seats just as Aaron walked in yawning.
"Morning." He said briefly before going to the fridge, "What's up?"
"Fucking social worker."
"Oh?" Aaron plopped down on the seat opposite Austin.
"She doesn't want to give Sienna any time off school, she acts like Sienna should be completely fine after all that's happened to her. Fuck! Lucy didn't tell me anything about Sienna, now I have to deal with all of this crap! Do you know how many fucking tweets I got last night asking who she was? What if she's getting this? How am I meant to tell all the fans without them going insane? There's pictures of Sienna everywhere already from last night. Some thought she was a groupie! That's fucking disgusting! I didn't know I had a daughter until a week ago and I can't even get to know her without all these people getting in the way! Fuck, I'm going for a walk."
He left without another word to Aaron, storming out of the bus.
Sienna's PoV
Sienna woke to the sound of yelling and groaned. She quickly check her phone, it was only 8am. Rolling back over Sienna pulled her pillow with her and over her head, but whoever was yelling was way too loud. She sat up and almost hit her head on the ceiling. That was going to take a bit of getting used to. Blurry eyes Sienna grabbed her phone and checked Twitter and Tumblr.
She was just scrolling down her dashboard when she saw a photoset of blurry pictures of Austin pulling her along behind him and another few of her standing alone at the signing. It was captioned with "Who the hell is she? She was everywhere last night!" The next comment made her breath stop. It was Elise, the comment said "I met her at the signing and she was a complete lying bitch. She said she was Austin's daughter."
Sienna tapped on her notifications, finding nothing out of the ordinary, but when she went into her page she found over 10 asks. Slightly worried she clicked on them to find them all to be from Elise, but on anonymous. It was obvious it was her though because she was the only person Sienna had told her tumblr right now.
"Thought I would forget your username?"
"You're so full of crap. Austin doesn't have kids, you fat cow."
"Say anything about these messages to Katherine and I'll tell everyone your tumblr."
"Go slit your wrists you pathetic waste of space, I hope you get hit by a truck."
"Austin doesn't deserve an ungrateful little bitch like you if it is true. Go back to wherever you came from, cunt."
"I'm telling everyone about your Tumblr if you don't kill yourself."
Sienna felt her heart sink and she felt sick to the stomach. She didn't ask for any of this. Sienna just wanted to be at home with her Mom, not touring with her dad that she barely knew with crazy fans abusing her. What was she meant to do? Should she tell Austin? Elise was crazy. She had spoken to the girl for five minutes. Maybe it was because she got pissed off at Katherine? But Sienna barely knew Katherine either. She decided to text Katherine.
"Hi, it's Sienna. Um Elise has kinda gone crazy and sent me all this anon hate on tumblr... she said she'd tell everyone my tumblr if I told you and she's telling me to kill myself." Sienna jumped out of bed and grabbed her clothes then made her way to the bathroom to get dressed. Once she was ready she walked into the front lounge to find it empty. Whoever had been yelling was long gone.
She wasn't hungry, she never was in the morning, so she skipped breakfast and opened the bus doors to go out and get some fresh air. Sienna could feel herself frown
and wasn't paying much attention to where she was going. She wandered around the parking lot before realising there was nowhere she could go so she headed back to the bus. Just as she was about to climb back onto the bus Austin walked up next to her.
"Hey Sienna." He greeted her, very cheery for this early in the morning. "Hi." She replied, not in the mood for a full out conversation.
"Where were you?" Austin asked her.
"I was just walking around." She mumbled.
"Any reason?"
"No, I, um, just got woken up by some yelling this morning."
"Oh, um, well we have a day off today. D'ya wanna go for a walk?" He asked awkwardly.
"Um, okay." They set off walking towards a street of shops.
"I'm trying to get you out of school for a few months." He told her.
"Okay... thanks."
"Are you okay?" He asked, concerned. She wasn't concentrating on anything an her eyes were unfocused.
"Yeah... I'm... it's just I've been seeing stuff... about me, online." Sienna could feel Austin's concerned gaze on her, but she chose to ignore it and instead looked to the ground.
"I'm sorry... you shouldn't have to deal with that stuff. Keep off it for a while, okay?" He looked frustrated, just then her phone buzzed but not wanting to be rude she didn't answer it. A minute later she got a text. Austin gave her $20 to go get whatever she wanted and he wandered off somewhere, pulling out his phone as he went, Sienna mirroring his actions.
"Are you fucking kidding me...? I'd stay off that stuff for a while, maybe delete it or at least all the photos of you?" Katherine had texted her back.
Sienna tapped out a reply. "I'm not deleting it, but I'll take all my photos down."
She checked her Twitter quickly, thankfully no one knew it, surprised to find Austin had tweeted less than a minute ago. "Don't pay attention to rumors until you hear it from the source!"
Woah, Elise is a bit crazy for a girl Sienna barely knows. I'm not exactly sure what Elise's backstory and reasons are but if anyone wants to give me ideas that would be useful. I'll try to update faster next time, please excuse any typos.

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