Mad World

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*Drama warning. And a trigger warning. Reader please be cautious.*




She walked down the stairs, her eyes closing slightly as she heard Noah's breathing deepen. 

"Woah, Sienna, it has been a while. You look absolutely beautiful." Noah murmured, his eyes raking up and down her. Sienna smiled, feeling her cheeks heat up from the compliment. Her father was standing beside her, his body language just out-speaking his unhappiness of Noah giving her the attention. Sienna only hugged her boyfriend. 

"Hi, Noah!" she giggled, hugging him. "I missed you so much!" 

Noah laughed and kissed her head. "I missed you too." 

Sienna pulled back and subconsciously pulled at her dress. 

"Your dad said that you would be surprised to see me?" Noah said, giving Austin a look. Sienna rolled her eyes. 

"Yeah, but Max ruined the surprise for me." 

"It's not my fault!" Max cried from the back lounge on the first floor. "I got a twitter notification from someone asking 'bout the Falling In Reverse concert." 

"Which we're going to, by the way." Noah added, holding Sienna's hand. Sienna looked over at her father. 

"But…my…thingy." she said quietly, staring Austin down. Austin frowned a little, his eyebrows drawing together. 

"Well, we'll be really careful." 

"What thingy?" asked Noah's innocent voice. Sienna turned red. 

"Uh…no one told you?" Sienna asked softly. Noah looked as clueless as ever, his eyebrow quirked and everything. 

"Told me what?" Noah demanded. Sienna sighed loudly and crossed her arms over her chest. 

"You didn't hear anything on twitter?" By now she was annoyed. If Noah knew and was just protecting her, then she was more than pissed off. She didn't need him to censor himself around her. It made her feel like a baby. 

"No, I had to delete my twitter." Noah muttered. "Someone hacked it, or something. Seriously, what happened?" 

Sienna didn't want to explain it, so she stared at her father, who took her subtle hint and rescued her. 

"Sienna was diagnosed with Aortic Dissection and she had to have heart surgery." Austin explained. "But she should be okay to be at the concert…at least I was. But she was in a dangerous situation…and…" As he kept speaking, Noah looked more and more horrified. His eyes widened and he let his mouth hang open towards the end. 

"Why didn't you call me?" Noah's voice was pitched a little higher than usual. Sienna bit her lip. 

"Can we please just not talk about it?" Sienna asked, so softly that only Noah could properly hear her. The way he looked at her made her feel much younger than her actual age. But it made her feel safe. He nodded and reached out, hugging her gently. 

"I'm just so fucking glad you're okay." Noah murmured in her hair, kissing her. She breathed in his scent happily, finally grateful for the combination of Axe, Pantene, and mint gum. Because it was Noah's scent. 

And she had missed it. 


"Sienna, this is my brother, Ryan. Do you remember him?" Noah asked, gesturing to the man. Sienna nodded, recognizing him as he winked at her. 

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