I Can't Sleep, Too Many Voices In My Head (Friskyhands)

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I'm getting very busy at school and from now on I will not be a few chapters ahead of what I've posted, I apologise if there's huge delays. I'm posting this late at night so please excuse any mistakes. I have the storyline for each chapter written up so I can keep this fic moving, expect it to be around 15-20 chapters long with a possible sequel. Comments inspire me to keep going, so please leave one.
Sienna's PoV
When the movie finished everyone went to go home, leaving Austin and Sienna alone. Mrs Butcher didn't end up 'checking' on her. Austin decided to go finish packing while Sienna had a shower, taking with her new PJs and a toilet bag. The shower head was high, which was good for her considering how tall she was. Sienna made sure the door was locked and turned on the fan.
She careful turned on the shower without getting her clothes wet then slowly took them off while she wait for the water to warm, goosebumps erupting on her body. When the shower was finally hot enough Sienna ducked under the steamy water and grabbed the shampoo that was there, not having her own. She was kind of annoyed there was no conditioner but then again you wouldn't expect a single guy to have that kind of stuff. He was single, wasn't he? She guessed so, if he was he would have been with his girlfriend before he left on tour.
Sienna cast a lingering glance at her thighs. They were littered with thin white lines from almost a year and a half ago, none of them completely healed, she was starting to think they would never go away. The bullying at school had been bad, so bad that she had been pulled out. Sienna would have just gone to another school but that one was the only one in her town. There was a group of girls that somehow got it into their heads that Sienna had flirted with one of their boyfriends (who she hadn't talked to since elementary school) and started verbally attacking her. When she stood up for herself they decided she was a lesbian (not that there was even anything wrong with that, except that she wasn't) and started breaking and stealing her stuff, punching and pushing her against lockers as well as leaving death threats in her locker. Sienna finally left school when they had cornered her after school and beat her up, bending and breaking three of her fingers purposely and kicking her when she feel to the ground, those bruises lasted for weeks. She used to see the people who had tormented and bullied her outside of school too, even when she left she'd she them in the mall or on the Main Street.
The whole time she had wanted to kill herself, she couldn't understand why these girls cared so much about her that they devoted a huge chunk of their lives to making hers a living hell. She never told anyone about her cutting, not even her Mom. Eventually she gave it up. It was hard and took so much out of her but it was worth it in the end.
Sienna turned off the shower and wrapped herself in a clean towel, feeling like complete crap. She wanted to fall into bed, but her mind was working too fast... bullying... her Mom... school... tour... Austin... his bandmates...
She sat on the toilet seat and clicked on the Tumblr icon on her phone, the first thing that came up on her dashboard was a short gif of someone cutting. Sienna quickly unfollowed that person. She decided to search the tag "Austin Carlile". The first thing that came up was a text post of some girl yelling in capslocks "OMG!!! AUS10 WHY DO U DO DIS 2 MY OVARIES UR SO CUTE ASDFGHJKL". Lovely, Sienna thought. Was she in the right tag? The girl in the icon looked like she was younger than her. Scrolling down a bit further Sienna saw what she assumed to be lyrics and lots of selfies and pictures of Austin. Some were ranting about how he saved their life. It was creepy, all these people knew more about her Dad than she did. Dad? Did she just think of him as Dad? That was wrong, she didn't like it, she wasn't comfortable with it yet.
Sienna put down her phone and got dressed, deciding to go straight to bed, even though it was only 10. She was tired.
She awoke to the feeling of being shaken, Austin was standing over her, and it took a moment for Sienna to remember where she was. "Hey, time to get up. Bus is gonna be here in 45 minutes." Sienna mumbled a reply and rolled over, planning to get up in a few minutes, however she found Austin trying to wake her up again half an hour later. "Sienna! Get up! 15 minutes." She threw her blanket off herself and ran over to her suitcase, grabbing the first things she saw.
The bus was parked outside, it was huge, at least 30ft, so Sienna ran a brush through her hair and sprinted down the stairs. She got outside looking flustered, without eating breakfast. Austin walked over to her and took her bag, "You wanna go see the bus?" Everyone else seemed to be loitering around, talking on their cellphones and to each other. There were a few people Sienna didn't recognise, but Austin pointed them out to be their tour manager, guitar techs and drum tech. She rubbed her eyes as they climbed the steep stairs. There was a small area for whoever drove the bus and behind that black curtains, separating the rest of the bus. Austin pulled the curtains apart to revel a huge lounge area, with two TVs and huge leathers sofas on either side, one with a cooler at the end and another with a small kitchen and fridge.
A bit further down Austin showed her where she was sleeping, there was four sets of bunk beds, two on each side, both with 3 beds high. "Can I sleep in the top one?" Sienna asked excitedly, she had never sleep in one before. Austin laughed, "Of course, everyone hate the top bunks." Frowning, Sienna filled him further down the bus after leaving her bag on the bunk, why would everyone hate top bunks? What was wrong with them? Three doors led off to a shower, toilet and bathroom, as well as the back lounge which was slightly smaller than the other lounge. "Cool." Sienna smiled, when she saw another TV.
"The bunks have their own TVs too and the bus has WiFi." Austin told her, smiling back at her.
The rest of the band and crew piled onto the bus, one of them she didn't know took the wheel and everyone cheering, yelling things like "Let's do this" and "Here we go!"
One of the guys she hadn't meet wandered over to where she was sitting on the sofa and introduced himself, "Hi, I'm Aaron. I didn't get to meet you last night."
"Hi." She replied shyly. They talked for a bit about random things until Alan came over and pointed to the colourful bracelets on her wrist.
"Those are cool." He told her, mouth full of chips.
"Thanks, I made them." Sienna told him.
"Woah! Cool! How'd you do that?" He seemed genuinely impressed by the assorted bracelets.
Sienna shrugged. "I looked it up on Google." She was glad that they covered the faint while scars on her wrists, she didn't want anyone to think she was screwed up.
If you want to know what the bus looks like I suggest you look up "Of Mice and Men Tour Bus" on YouTube.

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