Live A Lie-Just Tonight

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"What?" Austin whispered, his eyebrows cocking. Sienna's hands shook as she gripped his shirt. Austin tried to hear his daughter clearly, but the way her voice was shaking and the way her face was pressed into his chest didn't help him hear her any better. "I can't hear you, Si."

"I said-" Sienna pulled back and Austin could now see that she was grinning like an idiot. "Ryan won! Isn't that-oh my god! Noah said that the judge talked with him one on one and when Noah said that Ryan practically raised him, the judge let him stay with Ryan!" Sienna bobbed up and down excitedly and Austin laughed, cheering with her.

"That's great, Si!" he congratulated his daughter on the victory and she laughed.

"I know! I'm so excited!" She quickly pulled herself away from Austin and started to run back towards the exit. "I have to go tell Josh," she explained, "he wanted to know the outcome."

"Alright." Austin smiled. "I'll see you on the bus." Sienna nodded frantically and sprinted off to find Josh. Austin smirked to himself and Brittany looked a little confused. "Her boyfriend," he told the woman, "he was in a court case involving custody rights. And he won." She gave him a grin.

"That's fantastic!" she said happily. Austin couldn't have agreed more.

When the time came that Austin's legs were so weak that he could barely walk, he trudged off to the bus with Alex under his arm. She was holding his side tightly, showing adorable affection that he always loved. He kissed the top of her head as they walked onto the bus. The first thing he heard was Max's girlish squeal and laughter from some girls and guys. Alexis told Austin she had to go grab her camera and left Austin to investigate the scream. He opened the back lounge and saw Max lying on the ground with Matt Barnes sitting on top of him, attempting to still play FIFA.

"You're cheating." Max pouted. Ivy wrinkled her nose at Max and tossed her shoe at him, which caused another shriek to fall from the man's mouth. Austin laughed and sat next to Larken who gave Austin a slight smile.

"Hey." she said quietly.

"Hi." he replied. Alexis walked into the room and plopped herself down on the other side of Austin, her laptop in her hands. Alexis immediately got into a conversation with Leigthy and Austin was wondering where the rest of his bandmates were. His answer was immediately answered when he received a pillow to his face and heard Phil's evil cackle. Austin laughed and stood up, following Phil up the stairs to the second floor. When he opened the second floor's back lounge, he was immediately hit by the strong stench of weed. He thought he had smelled it downstairs in the downstairs lounge, but was now greeted by the source.

Gripping a bowl, was Alan, Maddie seated next to him, holding the lighter. The others, Phil, Tino, Jen, Dan, Melissa, and Anouk, were looking as high as a kite. Alan looked up, his eyebrow cocked.

"Hey, before you get pissed, I thought you should know it was Max's idea."

"Of course." Austin said, more amused than upset.

"Yeah, and he started it," Tino supplied, "so..."

"Yeah." Phil replied. Dan winked.

"It's the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth."

"I plead the fifth!" Anouk squealed. Phil shushed her.

"It's okay. We're not on trial."

"He did it!" Melissa shrieked, pointing Dan. Dan's eyebrows shot up and he shook his head, making a face.

Austin Carlile Is My Father? (#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now