Mrs. Butcher

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I hope you know I fought a lot of people for this update and lost a bunch of privillages. But maybe, that means they'll let me update more often. Hopefully. For now, here's the chapter. Hope to talk to y'all soon. I miss you guys :p

<7 Nina




"Home." He declared, setting his bags down in the living room and plopping on the couch. He watched as Sienna kicked the door shut and fell face first on the couch, her bags still in her hands. 

After a few minutes of watching his daughter, Austin stood wearily and walked to the kitchen in search of some water. 

Sipping the cool liquid, he closed hai eyes and hummed gently to himself. Tomorrow, he and Sienna would find some paint and they could paint her room. Then they could go get her some new clothes, hair cut, get some food, change her number-who was he kidding? He had a month to do all of that with Sienna. Surely she'd want tomorrow to just relax and chill. 

He walked out of the kitchen and suppressed a sound of affection. 

Sienna was passed out cold, her face squished into the cushions, her arms limply at her sides, one hand still clutching at the suitcase. 

Austin smirked and sat next to her, turning on the TV.  

Although he was tired, he felt wide awake from his recent activities and his thoughts of what they were going to do between tours. 

His phone wrenched him out of his spiraling thoughts by ringing loudly. 

"Hello?" He asked softly as Sienna mewled in her sleep. Not wanting to wake Sienna, he walked outside to his newly installed porch and kept the glass door open as he brushed away an abandoned spider web on the adder on deck chair and took a seat. 

"'Ello!" Cheered a voice. Knowing it was accented, Austin glanced down to get the caller right. 

"Hey Oli." Austin greeted his old friend. "What's up?" Austin fought back a yawn and Oli snickered. 

"Are you awake?" 

"Yeah, yeah." Austin mumbled. "Just got home." 

"Oh." Oli said blankly. "You ready for tour?" 

"Yeah." Austin grinned, glancing at the now midday sky. "You?" 

"Of course." Oli laughed. Austin grinned. "Listen, I heard about-your daughter." 

Even through the years of talking to Oli, Austin still had some difficulties in understanding the heavily accented man, because at first hearing, Austin heard: "listen, ah errd out your dohahh." 

"Yeah." Austin nodded. "She won't be any trouble." 

"You know we're renting a double decker bus?" Oli asked gently. "And all four of us are staying on it, seeing how we're all using one tour manager." 

Austin blinked, deciphering Oli's words. 

"Oh. We'll-she'll-" Austin cut himself off. 

"We're fine with it." Oli assured Austin. "So is YMAS. It's just-knowing how Asking drinks quite heavily, we were wondering if YOU were okay with it." Oli sounded a bit worried, bus Austin shook it off. 

"Let's just have YMAS and OMAM on top, BMTH and Asking on the bottom." Austin asked for approval. Oli laughed. 

"Yeah. That's what we were thinking about too." 

Austin Carlile Is My Father? (#Wattys2015)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang