I'm Ronald Radke, but You Can Call Me Ronnie...

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Sienna didn't exactly oppose to the fact that Vic wanted to actually see if Ryan was going to be there, but she was grateful when Mike told him to 'calm his tits' and let Sienna and Noah drive together. 

Noah parked his car in the driveway and smirked as Sienna's eyes widened. Noah lived in a slightly larger house than the considered 'average', and she was also surprised to see three other cars already in the driveway. 

"Hmm, I guess Ronnie and Jacky are here." Noah said, raising his eyebrows. Sienna got out of the car and ran her fingers through her hair as she nervously thumbed her phone. Josh was texting her nonstop on updates on her father. Oli and Lee also began to text her more often, and she was grateful for that, missing their company. 

"What if your brother doesn't want me here?" Sienna heard herself whimper. "What if I'm just a nuisance?"

"You won't be." Assured Noah, laughing. "C'mon now." 

Sienna followed him, grudgingly. He opened the door and held it open until she walked into the house. 

She was greeted by the smell of pomegranate, and Noah pointed out the small incense bottle that was sitting in the mud-room. Sienna kicked off her shoes, following Noah's actions and Noah smiled at her, shedding off his apron. 

"Ry, I'm home!" Noah called. There was a sound of feet hitting the stairs and soon a shorter man walked into view, grinning hugely at Noah. His eyes swept over Sienna carefully, his mouth quirking a little. 

"And who's this, Jayce?"

Sienna glanced at Noah quizzically who only rolled his eyes. 

"This is Sienna. She's someone who I met while at the BMTH concert visiting yer favorite roadie." Noah raised his arms over his head, yawning as he did so. "Where's the others?" 

Ryan grinned. "Downstairs. They're askin' about you. Want to know if you're still doing that thing for Heartbreakers, or something like that." 

Noah made a face and wrinkled his nose. "Well, fine. Where are they?"

"Downstairs." Ryan said, nodding his head a little in the general direction of where he emerged from. "Sienna, can I get you anything to drink?"

"No, thanks though." She said shyly. Ryan flashed her another grin before walking back to where he came from. Noah sighed deeply and started after his brother. Sienna stayed glued in her spot, watching Noah walk away, but he turned on his heel and grinned easily at her. 

"You coming?" He asked softly. Sienna nodded and caught up, walking next to him. 

"Why'd he call you Jayce?" Sienna whispered as Noah's hand fell on the doorknob. 

"Ah. You see, my middle name is Jayce. Noah Jayce Seaman. But I prefer going by my mother's maiden name, which is Carter. I find its easier to go function normally in the world without my brother's last name." Noah smiled sadly. "You know what I mean?"

Sienna nodded slowly. Kind of. She was already mistaken as Sienna Carlile which pissed her off because her name was Sienna Francias. Some people would want to be her friend just because her father was in a band. 

Noah grinned at her and opened the door up fully for her. She could hear a man's voice, making jokes, and clinking of glass. She could hear the sound of some sort of sport playing. 

"Hey, Noah!" Called a man'a voice causing Sienna to cower a little. The man was tall, not like Austin, actually a little shorter. He had a lot of tattoos and his smile looked genuine. He had his hair shaved on one side and his eyes were still covered with sunglasses, despite being inside. 

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