This One's For You (Friskyhands)

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Austin and Sienna finally meet. How do things go? Read on to find out. Sorry it took so long to get to this point, I wanted to set up their feelings and emotions towards the whole situation. You can probably tell my chapters are quite long, I prefer long ones so I can explain everything.


Sienna's PoV


Sienna shoved her small amount of possessions into her overnight bag. The night of the fire she was at Vanessa's house because the electricity had been cut, Mom had only gone back to get her bag, so she only had PJs, clothing for two days (one pair of jeans and two t shirts) a jacket, toiletries and a few other random things like her shitty iPod shuffle she picked up a garage sale. It was dented and chewed up by a dog, and it only played one album, but it did fine for her. Mrs Butcher had informed her that she would be leaving for the airport with her in less than half an hour, pissing Sienna off a bit.

The problem with Sienna was the when she was by herself she would say, think or do anything she wanted, but around other people she became subdued and submissive, mostly because of the bullying she endured. It didn't matter who the person was, she just didn't like speaking up around others incase she said the wrong thing. Her mind was a battlefield filled with sarcastic remarks and cutting comebacks but they never quite made it out of her mouth.

"Sienna!" Mrs Butcher yelled at her from the bottom of the stairs. Jeez, they really weren't very sensitive towards you around here, never mind the fact that my mother just died in a fire, or that I have nothing, except a father who probably didn't want me at all, and didn't know I existed up until yesterday. There was no sympathy around here, no grieving, no 'I'm sorry for your loss, don't worry about doing the dishes tonight, just take it easy'. Nope.

A quick glance was cast on the room to make sure she left nothing behind. It would have been easy to spot, the walls were white, the floor was wooden and the beds were plain. There was no other furniture. No personality to be found in this room. Sienna dragged her bag down the stairs.

"Is that all you have?" She was asked. Sienna only nodded in reply, but she was thinking 'of course this is all I have! Everything I own is ashes now, just like my Mom! Give me a break!' She waved goodbye to the foster mother and they got into a taxi.

The ride to the airport was long and painful, Sienna plugged in her earphones and turned the music up as loud as it would go. The familiar lyrics yelled into her ear. 'Manage me, I'm a mess.' Fucking ironic. She had no idea who it was but the song was like a second language to her. They successfully got the the check in to be informed that their plane was set to start boarding in half an hour. The flight was meant to be 4 hours long, luckily her bag was so small she could take it as carry on.

As soon as they got into their seats Sienna pretended to doze off, really not wanting to make small talk with Mrs Butcher.

What if her 'father' decided he didn't want her, where would he go then? Probably back into the foster home. There it was unlikely that she would get adopted, as most people adopting want a nice little kid they can raise from near the beginning, not an introverted teenage girl. What if this guy was a druggie or an alcohol? They wouldn't just ditch her there, right? She had been told he was 30 years old and moved around a lot and his name was Austin Carlile, that was all, nothing else. How would he react to seeing her? Would he treat her like an unpleasant job he had to carry out and ditch her as soon as possible?

Sienna wondered about her possessions. She needed more clothing but she didn't want to ask for it, especially from someone she just meet, but the thing is you can't wear the same two outfits over and over again. She didn't really need much else, her room had all the usual accessories and posters a teenage girls room would have, but she didn't need any of that stuff. The plane trip wore on, Sienna declined any food or water offered, she already felt sick to the stomach without ingesting artificial food.

If the plane ride was long then the walk through the terminal was a marathon. It was crowded with everyone trying to meet their loved ones and get their bags from the carousel. Mrs Butcher cranes her neck and strutted around in her high heeled purple shoes and pinched bun, trying to make herself more official, but Sienna was to freaked out to laugh. Her stomach was empty but she still felt like she was gonna barf, and her head took a dizzying height.

"Ah, I believe that's him." Mrs Butcher motioned. The guy she was looking at was tall, that was the first thing she noticed, after that it was the huge amount of tattoos he had, then his clothing. He was wearing a Slipknot t shirt, with a flannel shirt layered on top but left hanging open and baggy black skinny jeans. This guy was her father? He looked pretty unervous, a bit jittery, but then she was too.

Mrs Butcher stalked over the the man and offered a hand, which he hesitantly took. "Mr Austin Carlile, I presume?" God, she was trying to sound as posh as possible, but the guy practically ignored her, only interested in his daughter.

"Yeah... yeah... that's me." He had a very warm, husky voice, it was kind of comforting. Another thing Sienna noticed was a nose ring, she had always wanted one but her Mom had said no.

"This is Sienna, she's a bit shy." Austin nodded, and she said a tiny, barely audible 'hi'. Just then her stomach growled and she looked down in embarrassment. Mrs Butcher scrambled around in her purse and grabbed hold of a few dollars. "Go get something to eat." Sienna didn't argue, she knew Mrs Butcher was trying to get rid of her while they discussed adult things, so she headed towards the nearest breakfast bar. It wasn't far and Sienna could still hear them, although they were oblivious.

"Look, I know she's my daughter and everything but is there nowhere at all she can go? I'm on tour most the time, it isn't really good for her." Austin stressed the nowhere.

Tour? What did this guy do? Sienna knew she shouldn't, but she felt a pang of pain, no one wanted her anymore.

"Mr Carlile, your daughter has no other living relatives and nowhere to go, unless you want to put her in a foster home then you're her only option."

"I know, I want her, it's just I'm worried about her, how will she go to school, those sorts of things?"

"She already does correspondence, so that won't be an issue." Mrs Butcher told him, somewhat bitterly, she probably wanted to hand her over and get out. The line moved up and Sienna was at the cashier, so she didn't catch the rest of the conversation. All she got was a blueberry muffin, it was one of those healthy places. Slowly she wondered back towards the two adults waiting for her, signing the paperwork, handing her over without a second thought.

"I will have to come by later today to assess your living situation, Mr Carlile, but until then you can take your daughter." The lady sauntered off and Austin muttered. "Stuck up bitch." Sienna sniggered at him. "Shit, sorry I shouldn't swear." She smirked, Sienna liked this guy already.


Things start off a bit awkward, don't they? Depending on the response I will post the next chapter in the next few days.

Austin Carlile Is My Father? (#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now