You've Been Iced!

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"Are you ready?" asked Austin, coming into her room. She nodded and held up her suitcase, yawning a bit. 

"Yeah. I'm just-just-" She yawned, unable to contain it. "Tired." 

"Yeah, you can sleep on the bus." Austin said, making sure she had everything, toiletries, personal items, clothes, shoes, sun glasses, chargers, things she would need for a few months. "Shit!" He exclaimed, suddenly remembering that he had forgotten to give Sienna her laptop and camera. 


"Nothing, nothing. I gotta-I'll see you on the bus." he said, racing off to his room, brushing past a sleep ridden Josh. "Hey, can you help Sienna bring her stuff down?" 

Josh nodded and slugged his way to Sienna's room, rubbing his messy hair. Austin scrambled into his room and grabbed the bag before shoving it into his suitcase. Sienna walked past his room with Josh in tow, and they trudged down the stairs like little troopers. Austin smiled and grabbed his bags after going through the mental checklist and he stumbled down the stairs, hid hands holding his bags carefully, not wanting to break her gifts. 

"Oh my God." Murmured Sienna. Austin followed her stare and smirked. She was staring at the double decker bus in awe. Austin nudged her slightly. 

"You like it?" 

"Yeah…" She breathed. "You're all sharing a bus?" 

"Yeah. We are." Austin told her, ushering her on the bus. He stepped on the bus after his daughter, and then pointed to the small set of stairs towards the back of the bus. "Go up there. That's where we're bunking with YMAS." 

"Okay." Sienna said, walking off to where Austin said to. Austin set his bags down and then made sure everyone was on the bus. He made a mental note and they were soon on their way to pick up BMTH and AA. "Austin? Can I take the top bunk again?" called Sienna's voice from upstairs. 

"Go ahead." Austin encouraged, taking the bag of her gifts from his bag. Sienna walked down the stairs and eyed the bag wearily. 

"What's that?" 

Josh, and the rest of YMAS sat down on one of the lounge couches, starting up FIFA with Aaron and Alan, as Phil and Tino were picking out spots on the bus to sleep in. 

"For you." Austin said, handing her the bag. She glared involuntarily at it and then at him. 


"Ugh, just open it, Sienna. You're gonna have to accept it whether you like it or not." Alan muttered. Sienna rolled her eyes and peeked in it, making Austin smile. 

"Oh my…" She muttered, pulling out the camera. "No, I'm sorry." 

Austin rolled his eyes. "You're welcome, Sienna." he told her, grabbing his bags and racing away before she could tell him to take it back. 

"Real mature!" she called, but he could hear the smile in her voice. Good.




"Take! Back! Every word I said, ever said to you! Take! Back! Every word I said, because, everything I touch turns to stone!" Oli screamed into the mic. Sienna and Tom Sykes (one of BMTH's photographers) stood in the pit taking photos of the performances. She met both BMTH and AA, and personally, she made a strong connection with Lee Malia. Maybe it was because they were both quiet and shy, but either way, Sienna really enjoyed his company. She asked Austin if she could go back into the photographer's pit, and with much convincing and having to wear a ridiculous 'I'm With the Band' jacket, he let her stand with the other photographer, and since she was about a half a month into the tour, the media knew her well, so did the venues she was attending, so they didn't question her. 

Austin Carlile Is My Father? (#Wattys2015)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora