Damon Fizzy

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Hi guys! Thank you so much for sticking with me!

It was a little difficult for me to write, seeing how my dog was on me while I was trying to type. :)




Sienna was sleeping on the lounge couch with Max on her stomach. The little German Shepherd was already fitting in so nicely on tour. It was very obvious that he looked up to Sienna as her main caregiver, seeing how she was the one who fed him every day, took him on walks around the venues. Today, they had an off day, so Austin was planning on doing some interviews today. He already had one planned for 'My CTV' and they asked for Austin, Alan, Tino, and someone named DamonFizzy from YouTube wanted an interview with - not Austin or anyone in the band - but Sienna. After a little bit of talking with the kid, Damon said he would like it if he could have Vic, Austin, Alex, and Jeremy as well in the interview, but he really wanted to interview Sienna.

Austin knew Sienna would hate being on camera, but the guy doing the interview was actually looking forward to interviewing Sienna, so he realized Sienna would have to do it.

He heard her yawn and the puppy clambering up to her chest, licking at her face.

"Stop it, Max." she said tiredly, her lips in a smile. Austin chuckled, watching the two interact. Sienna glanced up and saw Austin standing by the back lounge. "Oh, hey, Dad."

"Hi Sienna." Austin said, crossing his arms over his chest. "How did you sleep?"

"Good. Max kept me comfy." she kissed Max's nose and slowly sat up, stretching slightly. Austin grinned. "What's the plan for the day?"

"Interviews and stuff." Austin said, carefully picking at his nails.


Austin heard Jack's voice from behind him and he quickly moved out of the way as the Lebanese man barreled into the room, going directly to the puppy.

"AWE, LOOK AT YOU! YOU'RE SO CUTE AWE JUST LOOK AT YOU." Jack squealed, as he did every morning.

Sienna groaned and stood up. Max jumped off of the couch and followed her as she walked into the kitchen leaving a very sad looking Jack Barakat. Austin smirked and followed Sienna, watching as she fed Max his food and sat down to pour some cereal.

"Actually, Si, there's somebody who wants to interview you."

Sienna choked on her cereal and sputtered, hitting her chest to clear it up.


"Yeah, he wanted to interview you." Austin said smiling. Sienna looked sick. Austin sighed, trying to give her his best 'pouty-face'. "Please? He's really nice. His name is Damon. He has a YouTube channel called DamonFizzy, and he's really nice!"

Austin hoped his convincing worked and was surprised to see Sienna roll her eyes.

"Fine. Fine. Only if Max can come."

"It's a deal." Austin said, holding out his hand. Sienna shook it, cautious and tenderly. "Great. Let's get ready then."

Sienna nodded and finished up her cereal before going back to the bunks. Austin sat on the countertop, grabbing a Monster from the fridge and taking a sip. He carefully chewed at his lip, waiting for his daughter. He heard her conversing a little with Alex Gaskarth before Max barked cueing another round of 'awe's throughout the bus.

Alex emerged holding Max in his arms, cooing to the pet as Sienna trailed behind him. Austin texted Vic and Jeremy and they both responded staying they were ready too. Sienna grabbed Max from Alex's grip and nodded to the door.

Austin took that as a sign and started towards the exit of the bus.




"Hi, my name is Damon Fizzy! And I'm here with Austin, Alex, Vic, Jeremy and Sienna!" The energetic boy said, grinning widely. "Hello! Oh my god, it's so amazing to meet all of you! And this puppy is so gosh-darn cute! Daw!" Damon leaned over to pet Max's head.

Sienna watched in amusement as he cooed to the puppy. All men turned into little girls when they saw Max.

"So, I was going to have a little bit of a game to play with you guys. Here are your whiteboards, and markers, Sienna gets the first pick of colors, so Sienna, here ya go." Damon handed her an assortment of colors. She carefully chose the light blue marker, shifting Max around in her arms. Max loved being held by Sienna, so instead of squirming around like most puppies, he just melted into her embrace.

"Great, now everyone else gets to pick a color." Damon had them all pass the markers around. Finally when everyone had a marker and a whiteboard, Damon began the game. "So, you guys will be answering for each other, and the person closest to the person's actual answer gets a point."

Sienna felt her eyebrows furrow. "What?"

"For an example," Damon explained, "if the question was: what is Sienna's favorite ice cream flavor?, you would write down what your favorite flavor was, and everyone else would write down your favorite flavor. If they get the same answer as you, they get a point. We cycle through everyone for the questions though."

Sienna nodded, biting her lip as she uncapped her marker and shifted Max into her crook of her elbow. Max had his back resting on the inside of her elbow and she held the whiteboard with that hand, prepping to write with her left hand.

"So, we'll start with that question exactly. What is Sienna's favorite ice cream flavor?"

Sienna thought long and hard about it, biting her tongue gently.

The scribbled down the word trick question and held the whiteboard to her chest, waiting for the others to write down their answers. Truthfully, she didn't like ice cream, but she was sure that they wouldn't get it.

"Okay, ready? Three, two, one, flip!" Damon said happily.

They all brandished their answers.

Vic wrote down chocolate, Alex wrote down rainbow, Jeremy wrote down none, and Austin wrote down vanilla. Jeremy cheered and slapped Sienna high five, which made her giggle like crazy. Jeremy had a way of lightening the mood.

"One point for Jeremy!" Damon said, writing it down on a piece of paper. "Okay, next question. What is the weirdest fact about Austin?"

Sienna smirked, going down the list of things in her head. He was allergic to pepperoni, he snorted a lot, he choked on his gum one time, he likes to curse even when he says he's being responsible - Sienna decided to write down the last fact when Austin swore loudly, saying he didn't know anything weird about him.

When they flipped their boards, Alex had written that Austin had a Mexican lover, which was coincidentally the same thing Vic had written. Jeremy wrote that he hated eating salad, which made Austin snort. When they read Sienna's, they saw that Sienna and Austin had basically the same thing, only Austin wrote: "I'm fucking responsible".

After a few minutes of playing this game, Damon collected the whiteboards and began asking them all questions about the tour. Sienna felt more at ease in front of the camera and she actually talked a lot to Damon, which was surprising, because she didn't really talk to strangers a lot. But she was feeling more comfortable with herself, which she felt was the most important thing in the world.


Chapter Goals: Votes 120+, Comments 40+

Chapter Quote: "Cause I Swore, That I'd Be Just Fine When You're Gone But My Body Misses You Like The Sun But Something Inside Still Feels Wrong, Maybe It Was You All Along" ~Anatome - Jaime Preciado

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